Chapter 1114 Wild Cubs
Yu Yuanyuan's cat, Maosong, walked forward along the corridor.

It seemed to be very lively outside just now, with various voices constantly ringing out, but now it's all quiet.

Occasionally, Aunt Chen's voice could be heard.

The room next to Baba was lit, and the bright light was scattered in the corridor, as if there was something magical in that light that was attracting her.

Hot little treasure looks... like... not a bad kid, but is she really a bad boy?

If Xiaobao is really Baba's cub, then what is she? !

Thinking of this, Yu Yuanyuan held her face in horror!

Is she some unwanted wild pup, or something that popped out of a rock?
A figure moved to the door of the room, and quickly glanced at the room——

Hot little treasure is sitting on the bed, there seems to be no one else in the room!
Xiao Bao, who was sitting on the bed, was shaking his feet boredly, wanting to wait for Aunt Chen to get him socks.

But she suddenly saw something moving by the door, and when she looked carefully, it turned out to be that kid.

Crouching in the shadows, your Yu Yuanyuan crouched like a ball, jumping repeatedly in the shadows of the corridor and in the light of the house.

"You...are you playing hide and seek?" Xiaobao couldn't help asking curiously.

That kid is jumping around by herself, is she playing with herself?

After hearing her words, Yu Yuanyuan stretched her head into the light: "It's meow meow hiding!" After saying that, she quickly hid back into the darkness.

Xiaobao still sat on the bed without moving, she continued to shake her legs, and Yu Yuanyuan continued to look at him curiously.

However, the curious kitten gradually approached the house, and came into the room bit by bit.

"Your shoes fell off!" Yu Yuanyuan pointed at the compromises placed there, trying to find something to say.

Xiao Bao glanced at Yu Yuanyuan's fingers, and replied foolishly: "Ah, the shoe was placed on the ground on purpose, didn't fall on the ground."

"Aww! Jiangzi's aww!" Yu Yuanyuan nodded her head pretending to suddenly realize.

If this conversation is heard by a five-year-old child, they will suspect that their intelligence has been strongly impacted.

The air suddenly became quiet, and Yu Yuanyuan wanted to find something to talk to her again.

Maybe she will know who is Baba's cub and what a kid is all about.

"By the way, what's your name?" After asking the question, Yu Yuanyuan realized that she was asking the question knowingly.

"My name is Xiaobao, what about you?"

"Yu Yuanyuan!" After Xiao Zai Zai finished speaking, he continued to ask with a rich expression on his face, "Then your name is... Yu Xiaobao?"

These words made Xiaobao silent for a long time. She shook her boring feet and said in a low voice: "I used to be called Wang Xiaobao, but my father told me today that I should be called Yu Xiaobao, and the uncle who brought me back was my father... I also I do not know how it is."

It's really Yu Ye!
Yu Yuanyuan felt as if her little head had been hit by a stick, and her round body stumbled backwards.

She suddenly remembered that when she first found Baba, Baba had said that he was not her Baba!

At that time, Yu Yuanyuan didn't believe it, but thinking about it now...

Maybe after transmigrating into the book, she is not Ba Ba's own cub, but a wild cub!
woo woo woo...

Sitting on the bed, Xiao Bao tilted his head suspiciously.

Why does that chubby kid standing opposite have so many expressions, sometimes surprised, sometimes confused, sometimes sad.

The expression on that little face is very rich, and people can tell what she is thinking at a glance.

 No... Is my writing too difficult to understand? ? ?The dialogue between Dad and Shen Ji has already been used in the plot to explain that Dad took Xiaobao home for a purpose, even arranging the room where she lives is also deliberate, because he suspected that the child’s appearance was due to other conspiracy, and ended up scolding up? ? ?If you want to scold me even if you take it home for other purposes, then I can't help it, so feel free!I have been committed to writing healing novels, and those who read it now should know that my writing is as warm as possible, regardless of adults or children, and it is not for abuse. Later, Yuanyuan was entrusted by her father to be a small agent to supervise Xiaobao, and found Xiaobao. Like Bao, Xiaobao was provided key clues about the mysterious person by Yuanyuan's guide. If you think these plots are all abuse and thunder, then I have nothing to say.

(End of this chapter)

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