The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1115 Ben Meow Picks Up Trash to Support You

Chapter 1115 Ben Meow Picks Up Trash to Support You

Yu Yuanyuan's small appearance seemed to have been greatly shocked, and she staggered out of the room.

As soon as she went out, she ran into Aunt Chen who brought back socks for Xiaobao.

"Miss Yuanyuan? What can you do?" Aunt Chen stood at the door, looking curiously at the little figure who was about to leave.

"Baa." Yu Yuanyuan replied sullenly, and continued to walk towards the room.

Back in her bedroom alone, looking at this small space she was familiar with, Yu Yuanyuan suddenly felt deep sadness.

It turns out that this small room is not hers, she is a wild cub, and the room should be that little friend Xiaobao.

Hey, now that Ba Ba's own baby is back, she is just a superfluous baby.

The more Yu Yuanyuan thought about it, the more sad she became, a cub sat on the carpet in a daze.

She stared blankly at the wall, and suddenly grabbed the little lion doll beside her. She wanted to grab the little rabbit together, but the claws that had just been stretched out suddenly remembered the photo that her brother treasured.

The little rabbit is also Xiaobao's, not hers.

Is there anything else in this family that is really about her?

Depressed, Zai Zai wanted to find someone to talk to, but everyone was so busy.

Brothers are doing their homework, aunts and sisters are preparing things for Xiaobao, and Chen Susu and Brother Jiang are helping to clean up.

She was the only cub left in the whole family.

After much deliberation, Yu Yuanyuan couldn't find anyone to chat with, so she could only go downstairs to find Dahua with Xiao Shiji in her arms.

Dahua, who was cooking in the warm cat room, looked up and suddenly saw a miserable little figure standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling glass, which almost didn't give him a big jump.

Normally, Yu Yuanyuan would be happy when he came to look for it, and he would start calling "Dafa" from a long distance away, but today, as if his soul had been taken away, he stood quietly and stared at it.

Da Hua spat out the cat food in her mouth, raised her head and asked, "What are you doing? Why are you staring at me like this?"

"Big hair~~~" Yu Yuanyuan walked in and hugged Dahua's warm body, "Yuanyuan is a wild cub, woo woo woo, what should Yuanyuan do if she gets swollen in the future!"

"Huh? Wild? Are human cubs divided into domestic and wild?"

Relying on her years of experience, Dahua thought about it carefully for a long time, and she really didn't understand human beings.

Today's Yu Zaizai looked depressed, Dahua didn't ask too many questions, and gently rubbed her cat's tail against her body.

"Wild is wild, my cat is also wild, and I haven't starved to death," Dahua snorted twice, proudly talking about her previous wandering history, "It's just that the winter is so cold, and if you can survive it, you can go back again." Live for a year."

Feeling the warmth of the cat room, Dahua feels as if she is in the happiest paradise at this time.

All this is thanks to this little cub, it has to comfort her well.

"Don't be afraid, wild cubs are also cubs, it's okay, your father didn't starve you when he picked you up," Dahua raised her thick cat paw, and patted Yu Yuanyuan's shoulder, "Really If it doesn’t work, Ben Miao will go wandering with you, and Ben Miao will pick up garbage to support you.”

"Thank you, Dahua~" Yu Yuanyuan rubbed Dahua's cat's head, suddenly thought of something, and walked upstairs wearily.

Dahua is right, if Baba doesn't like her anymore, she will go to Niulang, she can also dig through the trash can, she won't starve to death!

Originally, he wanted to comfort himself, but thinking about it this way, Yu Zaizai felt even more sad.

Woohoo, she doesn't want to eat the things in the trash can, she wants to eat a lot of delicious things!

(End of this chapter)

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