The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1116 You're Bad!

Chapter 1116 You're Bad!
When Yu Yuanyuan thought that she might not be able to eat well, the whole cub felt a little depressed.

While lying on the bed, she kept looking at her small snack box, as if she was afraid that it would disappear after a night of sleep.

After falling asleep for a while, Yu Yuanyuan would suddenly open her eyes to look, and seeing that the box was still there, she felt relieved and continued to sleep.

After going back and forth like this, when it was dawn in the morning, Yu Yuanyuan felt that she hadn't slept for a long time at all.

It takes a lot of effort to open the big eyes.

"Miss Yuanyuan, it's time to eat!" Aunt Chen pushed open the door, and her usual gentle voice sounded.

After dazedly washing her face and brushing her teeth, when Yu Yuanyuan walked downstairs, she found only one figure sitting in front of the table, it was Xiaobao.

It turned out that she got up too late, and Baba and his brothers had gone out.

Yu Yuanyuan still didn't know much about Xiaobao, so she wandered around to face Xiaobao, instead of taking the seat she used to sit in.

Xiaobao ate very boldly, and a lot of things fell on the table, and Sister Bei had to help her wipe her mouth from time to time.

Aunt Chen brought up Yu Yuanyuan's breakfast, and Xiao Bao caught sight of the pile of food from the corner of her eye, and was startled suddenly, before blurting out to ask: " you eat so much!!"

Xiao Zai Zai took it for granted: "Yuan Yuan has always eaten so much!"

"Wow, you are amazing." Xiaobao didn't know what to say for a while, so he could only praise.

"Hey hey." Hearing someone praise herself, Yu Yuanyuan's mood improved a little bit.

Not far away, Aunt Chen and Sister Bei were quietly looking at the two little bean dings.

When the little lady came back, what they were most afraid of was Yu Yuanyuan's thoughts.

The two young masters and the young lady are biological brothers and sisters, but Miss Yuanyuan was adopted, and Aunt Chen was worried that she would have petty emotions.

But now it seems that the two children seem to get along well?
After eating, Xiaobao went back to the bedroom alone. She didn't seem to be curious about this place, and she didn't like to run around. She always stayed at home.

Yu Yuanyuan had a lot of breakfast, and Xiao Bao had already returned to her room when she finished eating.

But as soon as she reached the second floor, she heard a low cry of "ahhh" from Xiaobao's room, which sounded like she was in some trouble.

Yu Yuanyuan came to the door lightly, but the door was not closed, so she could see the situation inside the room as soon as she poked her head.

Xiaobao sat on the ground alone, clutching his buttocks with a pained expression on his face, his little face turned pale.

"You...what's the matter with you?" Yu Yuanyuan's timid voice came from the door.

Xiaobao raised his head, but he didn't expect that there was someone outside the door!She didn't even hear footsteps!
"Accidentally fell down," Xiao Bao slowly got up, pointing at the slightly warped carpet, "here!"

"Did it cause you to fall?" Yu Yuanyuan looked at the raised carpet and asked.

Xiaobao nodded, with a slightly wronged expression: "Yes."

Seeing Xiaobao's pitiful expression in pain, Yu Yuanyuan boldly walked into the room, suddenly squatted down and raised her hand to slap the raised carpet twice: "You're so bad! You can't hurt anyone!"

"Hey? Can the carpet understand people's speech?" Xiaobao also squatted there to watch together.

"Maybe, maybe maybe." Yu Yuanyuan's head didn't hold much more stuff than hers.

As soon as the two little guys finished speaking, they lowered their heads tacitly, and the carpet that was upturned just now became flat!

"Yeah!" Yu Yuanyuan bounced away, and Xiaobao was so frightened that he did the same thing, "It really understands!!"

"I... I'm afraid!" Xiaobao rushed over crying, and grabbed Yu Yuanyuan's little sleeve.

(End of this chapter)

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