The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1119 My Hug Only Belongs to Yuanyuan One

Chapter 1119 My Hug Is Just for Yuanyuan

Less than 5 minutes later, Gao Zhou sent a screenshot.

He used some kind of photo recognition software to identify the type of this plant.

Stevia, edible will not have any adverse effects on the body, can be used to make sweeteners.

Yu Jinxiao repeatedly compared the screenshots sent by Gao Zhou with the plants he took, and indeed...they are the same!

So, can this thing really be soaked in water to drink? ?

Fortunately, it wasn't some kind of poison. He saw it at the gate of the courtyard just now, and thought it was Xiaobao who poisoned Yu Yuanyuan!

But now that it is confirmed that this is just an ordinary edible plant, Yu Jinxiao's hanging heart finally returns to his place.

When Shen Ji came to tutoring, Yu Yuanyuan was eating snacks in the room alone, and he didn't forget to share some with Shen Ji.

Looking at the packaging bag in the trash can, Shen Ji frowned: "Yuanyuan, have you eaten so many snacks today?"

It's not that I don't give them to her. These snacks are her little treasures. Yu Yuanyuan will keep them and eat them slowly. Today, she ate so much in one go. Her snack box is almost empty, only a few bags left candy.

"Eat it all, just put it in your stomach!" Yu Yuanyuan's tone was weak, she patted her chubby stomach, and shuffled out, "Brother Shen Ji, let's go to tutoring."

"Wait a minute, Yuanyuan, are you unhappy?" There was something wrong with this little Douding, how could Shen Ji not be able to see it until now.

Someone cared about herself, like turning on Yu Yuanyuan's grievance switch, her eyes gradually turned red: "Baba is fierce today, Yuanyuan is very fierce, but Yuanyuan feels that she has done nothing wrong."

"It's okay, Yuanyuan can tell me what's going on." Shen Ji also sat down on the carpet, stroking that downcast little head.

After Yu Yuanyuan groaned and chirped about what happened in the afternoon, the more she talked, the more sad she became, as if she had fallen into the abyss of sadness.

After hearing what happened, Shen Ji immediately guessed why Yu Jinxiao reacted like this, but he couldn't tell the truth to Yu Yuanyuan, he had to keep it a secret.

Yuanyuan is still too young, and it is too difficult for her to keep it a secret. The more people know about this matter, the easier it is to destroy Mr. Yu's plan.

"Yuanyuan, Mr. Yu may be just worried that you will spoil your stomach if you eat recklessly, and he is nervous about you." Shen Ji could only try his best to comfort Yu Yuanyuan, and he could not say a word about other people's affairs.

"But he only hugged Xiaobao, he didn't hug Yuanyuan," Xiao Zaizai looked pitifully with his head down, "Does he not like Yuanyuan anymore?"

"How could it be?" Shen Ji said, hugging Xiaodouding in his arms, and gently resting his chin on that little head, "Mr. Yu and Xiaobao have been separated for a long time, but when they separated, he also hugged Xiaobao." Yuanyuan has done it many times, right? Besides, Yuanyuan has many hugs, hugs from father, hugs from Aunt Chen and Uncle Yang, hugs from good friends, Yuanyuan is the cutest little friend!"

After listening to Shen Ji's words, Yu Yuanyuan's mood improved a bit, and she suddenly slipped through her small body and gave Shen Ji's heart a hug: "There is also brother Shen Ji's hug!"

"My hug is only for Yuanyuan alone." Shen Ji patted that furry head and whispered.

"Hey, elder brother Shen Ji is the best!" Yu Yuanyuan, who was depressed a second ago, finally recovered a little bit of vitality.

When it was time for dinner, Yu Yuanyuan looked at the delicious food on the table and suddenly burped: "Hi~"

Regret, just regret, why eat so many snack ducks!
 Babies~Happy New Year's Day~~~
(End of this chapter)

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