The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1120 Eating will always be Yu Yuanyuan's Achilles heel

Chapter 1120 Eating will always be Yu Yuanyuan's Achilles heel

Aunt Chen served Yu Yuanyuan a meal according to her usual appetite. Yu Yuanyuan looked at the bowl like a hill, and for the first time, she resisted the food in her heart.

She... how much did she eat before?

This is too scary!

Yu Yuanyuan ate too many snacks, her stomach was full, and she really couldn't eat so much spicy food today.

She picked up the rice slowly with the bowl in her arms, and only Shen Ji in the whole family knew why.

Normal and abnormal people ate so many snacks, and it was difficult for Yu Yuanyuan to eat as much as before.

"Yu Yuanyuan? Why don't you eat it?" When Yu Jinxiao was at the dinner table, he had been quietly observing that little Douding.

This is very abnormal.

Yu Yuanyuan used to huff and puff, but now she has no appetite. Could it be because of that grass?

But Gao Zhou said that the grass is fine, or is it that the grass is not clean and makes his stomach feel uncomfortable?

Thinking of eating this little glutinous rice ball regardless of 21, [-], Yu Jinxiao set his heart on fire: "It doesn't taste good when you should eat it, and eat anything when you shouldn't eat it."

If these words were normal, Yu Yuanyuan would definitely not pay attention to them, and would chat with her with a smile.

But today is different.

Today's Baba is more fierce than her Baba, not the warm-hearted Baba!
Even this sentence sounds like he is deliberately scolding her!
Woo!The chicken legs in front of me are not fragrant anymore!
Xiaobao was taken aback by Yu Jinxiao today, and has been looking around with timid eyes since the evening, as if he felt that the person sitting beside him was a terrifying tyrannosaurus.

Yu Jinxiao frowned, he obviously didn't want to look at Shen Ji, but he still didn't intend to catch his seemingly invisible gaze.

If you want to talk to Xiaobao, you must first get closer. The more unfamiliar you are, the harder it is to get the information you want.

After thinking about it, Yu Jinxiao decided to use the easiest way!

He picked up a big chicken leg from the plate and put it in Xiaobao's bowl: "Eat the chicken leg."

Adding vegetables or something is also a way of showing "caring"!

Just as Yu Jinxiao retracted his chopsticks, he suddenly saw a small spoon retracted slowly.

The hand holding the small spoon retracted very slowly, it was Yu Yuanyuan!

There was an unbelievable shock on her little face, as if she had been hit by some huge blow, which made her unable to recover.

Usually it is the big chicken drumsticks that she eats, but now it goes to other people's bowls!
Woooooo, Baba doesn't love her anymore, woooooo.

"Yuanyuan, I'll give you my chicken leg..." Seeing this, Yu Yingze immediately put the chicken leg he picked up earlier on Yu Yuanyuan's plate.

Xiao Zaizai pouted, aggrieved and returned the chicken leg: "Yuanyuan doesn't want it, second brother eats it."

"you eat."

"Yuanyuan doesn't eat, Yuanyuan eats!"

When it comes to eating, eat and eat, Yu Yuanyuan hugged a bowl of white rice and showed off for a meal, without even picking up the food, and just showed off the rice with ease.

The small bowl was empty, Yu Zaizai lay down on the table unsteadily, and went back to the study room alone to wait for Shen Ji.

This time the blow was different from before, no matter how Shen Ji comforted him, the little guy's eyes didn't shine much.

Eating will always be Yu Yuanyuan's Achilles' heel.

The car to pick up Shen Ji arrived. Shen Ji originally wanted to stay a little longer, but no matter how long he stayed, he would always leave. There seemed to be no difference between leaving now and leaving later.

Yu Yuanyuan has been thinking about the big chicken drumsticks all the time, it's hard to cheer up for a while, why not buy some snacks tomorrow, and fill up the snack box she finished eating today.

Shen Ji knew very well Yu Yuanyuan's preference for snacks.

As soon as Shen Ji left, Yu Yuanyuan flashed out of the room angrily, ready to go to the study to be a cat.

But as soon as she came to the door of the study, Yu Yuanyuan heard a conversation that shocked her.

(End of this chapter)

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