The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1122 I've Never Been Such a Mess

Chapter 1122 I've Never Been Such a Mess

"What? It's gone? Have you looked carefully?" Yu Jinxiao got up from the chair, and his first reaction was to doubt Xiaobao.

He went straight to Xiaobao's room, opened the door and checked, and found that Xiaobao was sitting on the bed flipping through a picture album.

As far as the eye could see from the room, no one else was there.

"Xiaobao, have you seen Yuanyuan?" To be on the safe side, Yu Jinxiao still asked her.

Xiao Bao shook his head blankly: "No."

But Aunt Chen said that she had already searched for other places in the villa, but she did not see Yu Yuanyuan.

This kind of situation has never happened before, Yu Jinxiao returned to Yu Yuanyuan's room again, and there was a piece of painted paper under the lit lamp.

Taking a closer look, Yu Jinxiao's expression changed suddenly.

"Yu Yuanyuan is gone!" Yu Jinxiao's expression darkened, and he squeezed the paper with his hand to wrinkle the flat page.

"Ah?" Aunt Chen didn't understand what he meant.

"She said she was gone..." Yu Jinxiao pointed to something on the painting and explained, "This is the leg, which means walking, and the circle refers to her..."

Aunt Chen looked at those symbols, as if they were strange codes, and it was difficult for Mr. Yu to understand the meaning after just a glance.

"I'll call Miss Yuanyuan first!" Uncle Yang hurriedly fumbled for his cell phone, and as soon as he dialed it, the sound of the phone watch rang on the bedside table.

This little Douding didn't even have a phone or a watch!
"I'll go out and look for it right away!"

When the people in the villa heard that Yu Yuanyuan had left, they all burst into a pot of porridge.

Yu Yuanyuan didn't bring a phone or watch, which meant they couldn't even locate someone.

Aunt Chen and Uncle Yang searched around the yard, while Sister Bei and Brother Jiang searched the entire villa area.

But an hour later, there was still nothing, Yu Yuanyuan seemed to have evaporated from the world.

"I asked the people at the gate of the villa area, and they said they didn't see the child going out. If they did, they would definitely not let her go out alone."

Sister Bei put her hands on her knees, she was so tired that she couldn't even speak.

Yu Jinxiao's face was frighteningly dark, Gao Zhou was also frightened out of his wits when he received the call, and immediately drove to the villa area.

"Have you found Miss Yuanyuan yet?" Gao Zhou poked his head out to ask as soon as he stopped the car, and almost hit his forehead.

"Not yet, adjust the monitoring." Yu Jinxiao thought for a moment and made a new decision.

"Mr. Yu means...Miss has already left the villa area??" Just thinking of this possibility, Aunt Chen felt that she was about to lose her breath.

It was pitch black outside, and if she really went out, Miss Yuanyuan might be in danger.

Gao Zhou had already gone to the monitoring room to adjust the monitoring. It was pitch black. According to Aunt Chen's recollection, Yu Yuanyuan was wearing another dark green coat, which could be perfectly invisible at night.

Several heads gathered together, carefully staring at every corner of the monitor, finally!

At the lower end of the exit, they found a small figure walking out with its head hanging down!

If Yu Yuanyuan wanted to go out, he didn't need to go out at all, he just had to bend down from the small gap under the driveway to get out.

Ruined!Yu Yuanyuan really left the villa area!

"Send someone out to look for it immediately, don't let go of any place!"


Gao Zhou quickly made a phone call, and several cars swished to the villa area and started searching on the carpet.

Yu Jinxiao and Uncle Yang drove towards the city, maybe they would meet this little figure on the road.

But driving along the road into the city, Yu Jinxiao and Uncle Yang couldn't see the little guy either.

After walking around the area several times, there was still no sign of Yu Yuanyuan.

Could it be... She was captured by someone?

But if he was really taken away, how could no one call him to blackmail him?
Yu Jinxiao had never been in such a mess before.

At this moment, a face suddenly appeared in his mind, can ask him?

(End of this chapter)

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