The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1123 The Familiar Little Milk Voice

Chapter 1123 The Familiar Little Milk Voice
It's only nine o'clock, Shen Ji probably hasn't slept yet.

With the feeling of being a dead horse as a living horse doctor, Yu Jinxiao really dialed Shen Ji's number.

The person on the other side answered very quickly, probably because he thought it was strange that Yu Jinxiao called him at this time.

"Mr. Yu, what's the matter?" The moment Shen Ji's voice sounded, Yu Jinxiao had a very subtle intuition in his heart.

Maybe...he can find Yuanyuan.

"Yuanyuan is gone," after Yu Jinxiao finished speaking, he summed up the situation for fear that Shen Ji would not understand, "Run away from home."

"Have you found her yet?" Shen Ji didn't even ask why, but was worried about Yu Yuanyuan's situation when he opened his mouth.

"Not yet, many people have been sent out, but there is no news yet."

Speaking of this, that cute smiling face appeared in his mind, making Yu Jinxiao's calmness disappear.

Such a cute little glutinous rice ball, how dangerous it is to walk on the road, everyone wants to take her away!

One more minute of delay is one more minute of danger!

"Mr. Yu, I'll set off to find Yuanyuan right away." After a pause, Shen Ji emphasized again, "I will ask the driver to go with me, and I won't go alone."

"Okay, if you find it, contact me immediately."

Unexpectedly, he, Yu Jinxiao, would actually ask an 11-year-old child for help one day.

But it was such a child that actually made Yu Jinxiao think... maybe he could really find it.

Shen Ji didn't even have time to change into his pajamas, so he casually put on a coat, called the driver, and set off.

Shen Juoya hasn't come back yet, no one asked Shen Ji about his problems.

When rushing to the direction of Yu's house, Shen Ji kept thinking about the route he had traveled countless times in his mind.

Shen Ji checked the map display on his phone while combining his memory.

He is not only guessing where Yu Yuanyuan will go, but also infers Yu Yuanyuan's habits based on the shops that may be open now.

If Yuanyuan hadn't been captured by the bad guys, where would she be now?
According to the time when she left the villa area, it was already dark, Yuanyuan was afraid of the dark, and would definitely not go to a place without street lights.

The main road with street lights leads to the only place, the urban area.

Suddenly, Shen Ji saw a shop in the navigation system. The location was next to the main road, and cars could not drive in. There was a pedestrian path inside, but there were many supper and dessert shops there.

Is it...

"Please stop ahead." Shen Ji called the driver to stop in time, and the car slowly pulled over.

You can feel the hustle and bustle inside at the entrance of the alley, as if many people are eating supper lively.

After Shen Ji got off the car, he walked down the alley, first he saw a seafood stall, with a hot and spicy smell wafting out, although it was delicious, but Yu Yuanyuan didn't like spicy food very much, so she probably wouldn't be here.

I have never been to this place before, but as soon as Shen Ji stepped into this path, he felt a familiar feeling.

Intuition told him that Yuanyuan must be nearby.

"Is it delicious? Kid?"

"Good bullying, thank you Susu!"

Shen Ji hadn't gone far when he suddenly heard a familiar voice.

I saw Yu Yuanyuan sitting in front of a table with several flower-armed bosses. There were a lot of hot meat skewers on the table, and it seemed that there was no pepper on purpose.

Yu Yuanyuan was pinching a bunch, eating a mouthful of oil happily, and there was a bottle of hot soy milk and a box of small cakes on the table.

Those big guys with flower arms were eating the skewers one bite at a time. Compared with Yu Yuanyuan next to him, it was like a little milk cat meeting several big brown bears.

It's over!Could it be that they want to abduct Yuanyuan with food, right?

"Yuanyuan!" Shen Ji clenched his phone tightly, and rushed up before he had time to think.

Just as Yu Yuanyuan ate the last bite of meat, when he looked up, he saw Shen Ji, and was immediately frightened to death: "Shen Ji... Brother Shen Ji?"

(End of this chapter)

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