The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1124 A Bull Cub!

Chapter 1124 A baby bull wave!

Others were nervously looking for this little glutinous rice ball, but she was so happy to eat here alone.

Although he mustered up the courage to wander, Xiao Zai Zai subconsciously knew that what he was doing was irritating.

In this little head, she thought her plan was perfect, no one would find her here, and no one would come looking for her.

But suddenly seeing Shen Ji appearing, with a rare bit of anger and worry on his face, this made Yu Yuanyuan a little nervous.

"Oh? Brother is here?" The big men with flower arms turned around, and even moved out a chair for Shen Ji, "Sit!"

Shen Ji wasn't sure what the situation was, so he didn't rush to join in: "Yuanyuan, why did you run out alone?"

Gloves that were cold from the cold, gently stroked that little head.

The cold wind was howling outside, and Yu Yuanyuan's hair was blown into a mess, but it didn't prevent her from eating skewers.

The small mouth is oily, and it looks timid, but it still doesn't forget to chew.

Yu Yuanyuan didn't speak, and continued to eat skewers silently with her head down.

When the two elder brothers with flower arms next door heard this, they simply chatted with Shen Ji: "What? Did she run out alone?"

Shen Ji did not let down his vigilance, sighed, and thought about his words: "Her family is looking for her nearby."

"Karma?" Yu Yuanyuan opened her big round eyes, "Looking for Yuanyuan? Why are you looking for Yuanyuan?"

Shen Ji was very surprised by Yu Yuanyuan's reaction, and after his patient and careful questioning, he finally figured out what was going on.

When Yuanyuan said that Mr. Yu was going to throw her out, Shen Ji was the first to not believe it.

It's just... what the child heard with her own ears, even if she may have misunderstood the meaning, it is difficult for her to change her current thoughts in her heart.

"Yuanyuan is a wild cub, not Baba's own cub, and Baba won't give Yuanyuan chicken legs anymore, and she will throw Yuanyuan's weight, woo woo woo." As he spoke, Yu Yuanyuan felt aggrieved Crying, the more miserable the crying, the wider the meat-eating mouth.

These flower-armed brothers seem to often eat skewers around here, and they are quite familiar with the boss. After chatting with them for a while, Shen Ji's intuition told him that this group of people should have no evil intentions.

If they wanted to take Yu Yuanyuan away, there was no need to spend time grilling meat skewers without chili for her.

According to the boss, they have been sitting here for almost 40 minutes.

"Ah? Your father is so bad?" Brother Huayi had an unbelievable expression when he heard it, "Could it be a mistake?"

He didn't look like Yu Yuanyuan's appearance as a suffering child, with red lips and white teeth, fair and tender skin, and the pajamas he was wearing were made of very good materials, not too cheap.

If her father treated her badly, he probably wouldn't buy these things for her.

"Yuanyuan, maybe there is some misunderstanding." Shen Ji didn't believe that Yu Jinxiao would say such a thing, especially since he knew Yu Jinxiao's secret.

In the eyes of outsiders, Yu Jinxiao has found his long-lost daughter, which may cause him to take away his attention and affection from Yu Yuanyuan.

But Shen Ji knew that Mr. Yu would never do this.

Mr. Yu treats Yuanyuan well, and Shen Ji sees it, not to mention that Mr. Yu has not yet believed that Xiaobao is really his daughter.

And they are secretly arranging some plans that others don't know about.

How could someone throw Yuanyuan out?
Shen Ji didn't need to ask for proof to know that this little Douding must have heard wrong.

"Yuanyuan is a wild cub, you can't be a fat family anymore, Yuanyuan is going to Niulang! A cub like Niulang!" The little guy who is usually afraid of everything, spoke sonorously today.

(End of this chapter)

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