The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1127 Dad May Scold Later

Chapter 1127 Dad May Scold Later

"Go home with Dad, everyone is worried about you. You see, everyone is blowing cold wind for you at night, which shows that everyone cares about you." Brother Huayi patted that little head and left Yu Yuanyuan behind. He gave her a small piece of cake, "Go home after eating the cake, it's cold outside."

Yu Yuanyuan took the cake, said "thank you" and stuffed it into her mouth.

It was only then that Yu Jinxiao realized... there was an empty bench next to the table, where a cake was originally placed, and several strings of empty bamboo sticks were placed on the table at an angle opposite to the bench.

"Yu Yuanyuan, have you eaten other people's meat?" Yu Jinxiao didn't know what to say, he wanted to get angry but felt that the fire couldn't be ignited.

It is a blessing to be able to find this little glutinous rice ball safely.

"No, no!" Yu Yuanyuan waved her hands in fright, "Yuanyuan didn't eat the crispy meat, what Yuanyuan ate was the roasted meat over there!"

Looking at the terrified little eyes, the people around were already laughing.

Only a three-year-old cute baby can understand Yu Jinxiao's words into another meaning.

Especially the serious appearance of waving hands made the cold winter night a little more joyful.

"Gao Zhou," Yu Jinxiao raised his hand, and Gao Zhou stepped up immediately, "You handle it."

"Understood!" Gao Zhou has been with Yu Jinxiao for so many years, and knows his intentions well, "All the tables here today will be paid by our boss."

"Wow—" Everyone was boiling, and they were all clapping and cheering.

The elder brothers with flower arms looked very heroic, eating skewers and wearing short sleeves in the cold weather, but their eyes were very gentle when they looked at Yu Yuanyuan.

"Little friend, thanks to you!" The eldest brother smiled and scratched her nose, "However, in the future, you must never run out alone. It's very dangerous, you know?"

"Yuanyuan knows it!" Yu Yuanyuan nodded, her eyes slanted to the side quietly, and she asked softly, "Susu, Yuanyuan, can I still eat a bunch? It's delicious!"

"Are you still eating? What time is it!" Yu Jinxiao held his little head, and habitually let out words of disapproval.

But the little head in front of him raised his head to look at him, lying on the table with one hand, and tried hard to get the freshly grilled meat skewers on the plate with the other hand.

Afraid that Yu Yuanyuan would not be enough to eat, Brother Huaarm ordered a lot of meat skewers without chili, and there was still a bunch of meat skewers left to eat.

Standing behind the crowd, Shen Ji immediately thought of the picture of a cat scooping up fish bones that he had seen on the Internet.

He calmly took out his phone, turned off the sound, and clicked a photo.

Cute, really cute, Yuanyuan is so cute!

"This skewer is for you, eat it! But go home when you're done eating, you know?" Brother Hua Arm brought the skewer over, and thoughtfully put the bamboo stick on its side to Yu Yuanyuan, reminding her to be careful.

Right under Yu Jinxiao's eyelids, this little bean diced took a few mouthfuls, quickly licked the meat off, chewed it, chewed it, swallowed it.

That little expression is full of satisfaction.

"Thank you Susu!"

Yu Yuanyuan said goodbye to everyone, and was led by Yu Jinxiao to the parking place.

Gao Zhou stayed and paid for every table.

When he got to the side of the car, Yu Yuanyuan suddenly thought of something, turned back and pulled Shen Ji back: "Brother Shen Ji, do you want Fei's house too?"

There was some expectation in the little guy's eyes, as if he hoped that Shen Ji would go back with her.

For such a big incident at night, Yu Yuanyuan must be afraid that she will be scolded when she goes home alone. If Shen Ji is with her, her father may scold her later.

(End of this chapter)

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