The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1128 Keep Silent When You Are Embarrassing

Chapter 1128 Keep Silent When You Are Embarrassing
"I'll go back with Yuanyuan first, it's fine." Touching that little head, Shen Ji carried her into the car himself, and pointed to another car ahead.

Yu Yuanyuan always believed in Shen Ji's words.

Brother Shen Ji said he would go back together, so he would definitely not lie to her.


Gao Susu hasn't come back yet, there are only her and Baba in the car, the atmosphere seems weird.

The little guy nestled quietly in the child seat, taking advantage of the poor light in the car, quietly rolled his eyes to look at his father on the right.

How could Yu Jinxiao not know that Yu Yuanyuan was looking at him, his small eyes couldn't be ignored at all, and he would peek at him from time to time, like a small animal with a cat.

"Is it cold?" Yu Jinxiao got up and turned up the air conditioner in the car.

Yu Yuanyuan blinked her eyes nervously: "No...not cold."

The seemingly nonchalant little Zai Zai kept having various thoughts in his mind.

It turned out that she had misheard what Baba and Brother Jiang said. Baba didn't mean to lose her, and the chicken legs were just a misunderstanding...

Then she... Isn't her cub's Niu Lang Bai Lang?
That little brain is about to stop functioning, and I don't know how to deal with such a thing.

Even a three-year-old little milk bag knows what embarrassment is, and he also knows to keep silent when embarrassing.

But what to do after embarrassment?

The three-year-old little milk bag has never learned it! ! !

After Gao Zhou dealt with the food stall situation, he quickly returned to the car. He saw the dead silence in the rear row from the rearview mirror, cleared his throat, and turned up the music in the car.

Mr. Yu seldom talks in the car, but Yuanyuan always chatters, which makes people feel lively.

But in today's atmosphere, even Yu Yuanyuan didn't speak, and the atmosphere in the car became extremely depressing and strange.

More than half an hour later, the car slowly stopped at the gate of the courtyard, and Aunt Chen and Sister Bei were there.

Seeing the familiar little figure sitting in the back of the car, Aunt Chen was so excited that she burst into tears.

"Miss Yuanyuan is fine, as long as it is fine, as long as it is fine."

Yu Yuanyuan was still dazed when she was carried out of the car, but when she saw Aunt Chen and Sister Bei who were crying, she suddenly felt very sad.

It's all because she went out to Niu Lang, which scared Aunt Chen and Sister Bei to tears.

"Auntie, Sister Bei, I'm going to cry for Buji..." Yu Yuanyuan stretched out her hand, trying to wipe away the tears for Aunt Chen and Sister Bei.

They squatted down and hugged the little figure in front of them tightly: "It's fine, it's fine."

"Go in first." Yu Jinxiao glanced at Shen Ji who arrived at the same time, and motioned for him to come along.

Everyone returned to the warm room, tacitly did not blame or complain about Yu Yuanyuan's "cow wave" behavior.

Aunt Chen wiped away her tears and went to change Yu Yuanyuan's pajamas, and stuffed her into a comfortable and warm bed.

After waiting for a while, there was a knock on the door, and Yu Yuanyuan was startled.

But when she saw Shen Ji pushing the door and coming in, her nervousness subsided again.

"Brother Shen Ji!" Yu Yuanyuan wanted to get up from the pillow, but Shen Ji motioned her not to move, and came to the bed and sat down.

The palm of his hand gently patted the chubby little body through the quilt.

"Does Yuanyuan have any small troubles you want to share with me?" Shen Ji's gentle voice immediately opened up the anxious little Zaizai.

The little head shrank into the quilt, only two eyes were exposed: "Yuanyuan... seems to have done something wrong, doesn't it?"

"Why do you think so?" Shen Ji didn't immediately give a black and white answer.

"It's so cold today, Baba is still looking for Yuanyuan everywhere, and just now Auntie and Sister Bei were crying, Yuanyuan is also very sad seeing them sad."

(End of this chapter)

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