The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1129 It was before, it is now, and it will be in the future

Chapter 1129 It was before, it is now, and it will be in the future
"Then Yuanyuan has gone through what happened today, do you have any new ideas?" Shen Ji kept asking questions, and Yu Yuanyuan's desire to interact was also on the rise.

At this time, only by mobilizing Xiao Zai Zai's own thinking ability can she learn more.

"Yuanyuan shouldn't be rough and rough," Yu Yuanyuan replied, gripping the edge of the quilt with her small hands, "I made everyone worry."

"Well, is there any more?" The gentle voice and gaze, as if carrying some kind of bewitchment, made Yu Yuanyuan lose the silence just now.

"Baba didn't want to insult Yuanyuan, Yuanyuan should ask clearly, Yuanyuan wronged Baba."

"What does Yuanyuan plan to do in the future?"

"I will ask Baba clearly in the future, and I won't go around casually. Yuanyuan will ask everyone clearly."

Shen Ji listened to Yu Yuanyuan's answer quietly, then patted her head with a smile, his gentle smile was like a warm sun suddenly appearing in the dark night: "Wow, Yuanyuan is very powerful now!"

"Karma?" Yu Yuanyuan's face was puzzled, "Why pinch?"

"After this incident, Yuanyuan figured out how to deal with it in the future. Isn't that amazing?"

Shen Ji's expression made Yu Yuanyuan dubious. She wanted to "hehehe" proudly, but subconsciously felt that she had made a mistake and should not be proud at this time.

I can only whisper "hey hey" in my heart.

"But Yuanyuan seems to have made a mistake." The little head shrank into the quilt again, hiding her eyes together.

Yu Yuanyuan is still too young, for her, making mistakes seems to be a very serious matter.

As a friend older than Yu Yuanyuan, Shen Ji has more experience than ordinary little friends.

He knows that making mistakes doesn't mean that you are weak, but that you can grow and learn a lot.

Making a mistake doesn't have to be a bad thing.

"Then Yuanyuan thinks she made a mistake, will she correct it?"

Today's Shen Ji seems to have more problems than ever before.

A muffled voice came from inside the quilt: "It will be corrected! Yuanyuan won't make any mistakes in the future!"

"Isn't that great?" Shen Ji still patted the quilt lightly with his hand, "It's not necessarily a bad thing to make a mistake, Yuanyuan has learned something from this mistake, and she won't make mistakes again, isn't that great ?"

"Really?" The little head popped out of the quilt a little excitedly.

"There are many things and things in this world that have two sides. Yuanyuan can try to see the good side."

After hearing Shen Ji's words, Yu Yuanyuan really began to think hard.

"Yuanyuan doesn't like to eat bitter things, but Auntie said that eating bitter melon is good for health, so is it okay?"

"Of course."

"Yuanyuan made a mistake this time, so she won't make another mistake next time, and she will make one less mistake, right or wrong!"

That little head that thinks it's smart is seriously digesting Shen Ji's words.

From the sluggish look just now, he has become a lot more energetic.

"That's right, what Yuanyuan said is right. Children are still young, it's normal to make mistakes, and it's not something to be embarrassed about."

The little cub, who was huddled in the quilt, has completely protruded his head out of the quilt, his small eyes are shining, and he is no longer as anxious as before: "Yuanyuan will be a good child in the future!"

Shen Ji's palm touched that soft forehead, and his brows and eyes only smiled gently: "Yuanyuan has always been a very good child, before, now, and in the future."

(End of this chapter)

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