Chapter 1140
Yu Yuanyuan got up from the carpet at once and ran out, leaving Xiaobao who didn't know what had happened and was in a daze.

He Yitong received an anonymous message early in the morning, telling her that she had found "Xiaobao".

According to the plot in the book, she would confront Yu Jinxiao angrily and lose her temper with him, why she didn't tell her immediately when she found the child.

However, He Yitong who appeared here was all because of the system.

The system requires her to complete the plot as required, otherwise she will lose 5 progress points.

The daughter in the book doesn't have any feelings for He Yitong, she only recognizes her own cubs, this daughter... is her acting challenge.

Pretending to confront Yu Jinxiao angrily, He Yitong's whole state was very online, even Aunt Chen and Sister Bei were taken aback.

They didn't expect that He Yitong didn't know about this, and Brother Jiang had already quietly called Yu Jinxiao.

"Mr. Yu...he's not at home, he should be at the company." Aunt Chen rarely saw He Yitong so angry, and her current state made everyone very uneasy.

He Yitong secretly heaved a sigh of relief when he heard that Yu Jinxiao was not at home.

That's great, she didn't come here to lose her temper with Da Heizi on purpose, isn't this all arranged by the dog system?

"Ding dong!" The system suddenly issued a reminder, "A new mission has started!"

[Find Xiaobao who just brought her home, and hug her, plus 3 progress points]

He Yitong made an "OK" gesture in his mind, isn't this the scene of reunion and crying bitterly?
She has acted in this kind of plot many times in movies, and now she is just changing it to reality and acting it again.

He Yitong, who had finally prepared himself, suddenly heard a voice like a repeater from the stairs next to him: "Ma Ma, Ma Ma, Ma Ma..."

Her family, like a small ball, tried to move down from the second floor quickly.

Just behind the guardrail on the second floor, there is a small figure indistinctly.

"Ding dong!"

[Don't talk to Yu Yuanyuan, just go upstairs to find Xiaobao, plus 2 progress points]

After hearing what the system said, He Yitong twitched the corners of his mouth and sneered disdainfully.

Oh, fortunately, she was already prepared.

If she ignored Zai Zai directly, Zai Zai would definitely be very sad, but don't be afraid!She brought something!
Just when Yu Yuanyuan ran to her side, He Yitong took out a bag of cotton candy from his pocket without changing his expression, and stuffed it directly into Yu Yuanyuan's arms.

"Ah, cotton candy!" Yu Yuanyuan focused all her attention on the snacks, "It's Yuanyuan's favorite strawberry flavor!"

Then, the little cub fell into the concentration of trying to tear the packing bag, and completely forgot that Ma Ma didn't talk to him when he got home.

[Mission completed, progress point +2]

The system was dumbfounded: "Fuck, this is okay?!"

He Yitong went straight upstairs, locking onto the little figure who was nervous behind the guardrail.

When she went upstairs, she saw Xiao Bao, one big and one small looked at each other from the air, the two pairs of eyes were completely different.

Xiaobao was so scared that he hugged the railing of the guardrail, timidly looking at He Yitong who had a fierce expression.

"Are you... Xiaobao?" He Yitong suppressed his "anger", and his eyes began to turn red, "I am mother, I am mother."

Hearing "Mom", Xiao Bao's expression became even more bewildered.

There was no touch or excitement in the little eyes looking at her.

The mood in He Yitong's heart was actually similar to Xiaobao's.

To He Yitong, Xiaobao is like a stranger, but now he has to play the scene of reunion after a long absence!

(End of this chapter)

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