The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1141 The Murderous Aura of Felines

Chapter 1141 The Murderous Aura of Felines

He Yitong is really glad that he is a queen in this book, and he still has acting skills to deal with these situations.

If it's just an ordinary person, I'm afraid I can't act so sincerely.

Before Xiaobao could escape, He Yitong rushed up and gave her a hug.

Xiaobao was so frightened that his expression was dull, and he even forgot to struggle, so he was hugged by He Yitong until his shoulder hurt.

Downstairs, Yu Yuanyuan, who tore open the packaging bag for a long time, finally took a stool and went to the kitchen to cut a gap with scissors.

She took out a piece of marshmallow, put it in her mouth, and ate happily.

Hearing the commotion outside, they were all running upstairs, Yu Yuanyuan swayed upstairs while eating cotton candy.

When she went up, He Yitong had finished acting out the sad scene, and was continuing to straighten Xiao Bao's messy hair with red eyes.

"Ma'am, Mr. Yu must have his reasons for making such arrangements..." Aunt Chen was afraid that the relationship between He Yitong and Yu Jinxiao would break down again, so she tried her best to find an excuse.

But He Yitong didn't respond at all, but just stared at Xiaobao.

Aunt Chen and Sister Bei secretly exchanged glances, and finally went downstairs together to ask Brother Jiang about his situation.

"Mr. Yu should be in a meeting and didn't answer the phone, but I informed Gao Zhou! Gao Zhou said to go to the company right away!"

"What if Madam wants to take Xiaobao away?"

"No way, Madam shouldn't be so impulsive..."

The servants gathered downstairs to discuss in low voices.

It is impossible for He Yitong to hurt Xiaobao, they just need to watch the exit downstairs and not let He Yitong take him away.

The servants went downstairs, Xiaobao and He Yitong stayed together, only feeling scared.

She broke free from He Yitong's hand suddenly, and hid in her small room in a dodge.

There were only melon eaters left in the corridor... oh no, Yu Yuanyuan and He Yitong who ate marshmallows and watched the show.

He Yitong quickly scanned the surrounding situation, and signaled Zai Zai to go back to her room with his eyes.

The mother and daughter, Mao Maosui, hid in the room and closed the door, so they could finally talk quietly.

"Cub! Is this marshmallow delicious?" He Yitong squatted down and spread out his palms, "Give me a taste."

Xiao Zai Zai generously divided three into He Yitong's hands: "It's delicious!!"

"If you like it, I will quietly buy it for you next time!"

"Hey hey, good!"

"By the way, the dog system asked me to play those just now," He Yitong who got the progress point turned his face and denied the system, "My favorite little baby is only Zai Zai and my brothers~"

"Yuanyuan also loves mochi the most~" Yu Yuanyuan, who was eating marshmallows, spoke extraordinarily sweet words.

"Is Ma Ma's acting skills good?" He Yitong proudly patted that little head.

Yu Yuanyuan was also watching just now, her little head was like a little doll: "Good knock! Yuanyuan will be as annoying as Ma Ma in the future!"

"Hmph, the ambition is not bad, it's very ambitious." He Yitong crossed her arms triumphantly.

"Bang dong!"

Suddenly there was a soft sound at the door, and He Yitong got up and opened the door extremely quickly.

Little Treasure, who hadn't come to run away in a hurry, was standing at the door. After seeing He Yitong, his little eyes were filled with fear again.

"Xiaobao, why are you at the door?" He Yitong asked with a hypocritical smile, "Are you eavesdropping on us?"

Xiaobao swallowed his saliva, and took a big step back: "I, I, I..."

"Huh? Did you hear that?" He Yitong looked at her expression, and a feline murderous look subconsciously surged up in the bottom of his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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