The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1142 I probably ate it in a dream~

Chapter 1142 I probably ate it in a dream~
"No, no, I didn't eavesdrop, I came to find Yuanyuan!" Xiao Bao shrank his neck nervously, keeping a distance from He Yitong.

If Xiaobao hadn't been her daughter in the book, He Yitong would have wanted to kill her.

A tiger's poison does not eat its children, she is a leopard cat... Forget it, she wouldn't want to kill a child.

"Xiaobao, I haven't seen you for a long time, Mama, I really miss you," He Yitong immediately changed the subject, and continued to brainwash Xiaobao with her image of a loving mother, "You are outside alone, are you eating?" How painful is it? Oh, look, the skin is dry and black, and there are many wounds on the little hands..."

While talking, He Yitong shed a few more sad tears.

Xiaobao is always a child. When someone shows kindness to her, her alienation and defense gradually disintegrate.

"I'm fine..." Xiaobao pinched his fingers and stammered, "It's only when I help my father with work occasionally that I get a tan. I'm not tired or hard at all."

"Father?" He Yitong was puzzled by these words.

Yu Yuanyuan, who was eating marshmallows, took the time to help explain: "It's Xiaobao's former Baba!"

He Yitong understood now.

It was Xiaobao's father who took care of her before returning to Yu's house!
Thinking about it this way, Little Treasure is really pitiful. He grew up outside since he was a child. It seems that the conditions of the family that adopted her are not very good.

"It's Ma Ma," Yu Yuanyuan stood up and introduced, "She's an actress! Her acting skills are really, really good!"

"Ah? An actor?" Xiaobao's eyes instantly became bright when he heard it, "That's a big star, right?"

"That's right, that's right!" Yu Yuanyuan nodded like picking garlic.

"Wow, that's amazing."

Yu Yuanyuan happily distributed a piece of marshmallow to Xiao Bao, and said triumphantly, "Yes, Ma Ma is very powerful!"

He Yitong looked at Zai Zai's happy expression, and she was also a little proud.

Zai Zai felt proud because of her, and she couldn't help being a little proud too.

Not long after, Yu Jinxiao came back, along with Gao Zhou.

Yu Yuanyuan originally wanted to participate in the conversation, but Yu Jinxiao directly mentioned her to Gao Zhou, leaving only Ba Ba and Ma Ma to go to the study alone.

Oh open!

The little boy whose curiosity was aroused suddenly drooped.

"Miss Yuanyuan," Gao Zhou thought she was unhappy because of Xiaobao's return, "Mr. Yu loves you very much, don't be unhappy."

"Yuanyuan is not unhappy." Yu Yuanyuan, who could not listen to gossip, tried to comfort herself.

Gao Zhou smiled bitterly, the expression was written all over his face, and he was still holding on!
Miss Yuanyuan is really too sensible and strong!
"By the way, has Miss Yuanyuan ever eaten a lollipop with this flavor?" Gao Zhou suddenly conjured up a lollipop for Yu Yuanyuan as if by magic.

Xiao Zai Zai's depressed mood was instantly ignited, and his eyes shone brightly: "Yuanyuan has never eaten!!!"

Gao Zhou pushed the candy wrapper away for her, and he personally took the candy for Yu Yuanyuan to eat, and Xiao Zai Zai only needed to open his mouth.

While eating, Yu Yuanyuan suddenly had a bad premonition.

Under this delicious sweetness, there must be some conspiracy, right?

Ma Ma suddenly gave her marshmallows, Gao Susu suddenly gave her lollipops...

In the past, these things were not allowed by Baba!
"Gao Susu...why did you introduce Yuanyuan?" Yu Yuanyuan asked weakly, "Is there any other reason?"

Gao Zhou was confused by the question: "Huh?"

"All of you give Yuanyuan a good meal... Yuanyuan is a little scared."

"Everyone? Has anyone else bought candy for Yuanyuan?"

Oh!The matter between Ma Ma and her should not be known to others!
Yu Yuanyuan opened her eyes wide and shook her head: "No, Yuanyuan may have made a mistake, she probably ate it in a dream~"

(End of this chapter)

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