The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1143 Who wants to bring a strange child to Zhang's house

Chapter 1143 Who wants to bring a strange child home

Yu Yuanyuan didn't dare to ask Gao Zhou why she bought candy for herself, and tried to change the subject, praising Gao Susu's delicious lollipop the whole time.

Give Gao Zhou a high praise.

He Yitong and Yu Jinxiao talked in the study for almost two hours, during which Aunt Chen went in to change the coffee.

After coming out, Aunt Chen shook her head with an ugly face and said, "The atmosphere is not very good."

Now that the matter has come to this point, even though they understand He Yitong's angry reaction, no one dares to blame Yu Jinxiao for deliberately hiding He Yitong's knowledge.

Mr. Yu has his purpose in everything he does, and it is definitely not a random decision.

Finally, two hours later, He Yitong came out with a sullen face, and Yu Jinxiao's expression was not much better.

Once downstairs, He Yitong walked towards Xiaobao, and touched her face with pity: "You stay here first, and when mom makes arrangements, I will come to pick you up."

In the study just now, Yu Jinxiao asked He Yitong to give him five days, and after five days he would definitely give her a satisfactory solution.

If Xiaobao is really Xiaobao, he doesn't mind asking He Yitong to take Xiaobao to where she lives now.

But now there are still too many things that have not been confirmed, and there are even many doubts that Yu Jinxiao has not yet dismantled.

Under such circumstances, he would never follow He Yitong's request, and he would not let her take risks together.

Whether Xiaobao is their child or a time bomb, no one can give a definite answer now.

As long as there is even the slightest problem, Yu Jinxiao will never let He Yitong be in danger.

After listening to He Yitong's words, Xiao Bao blinked his eyes, but didn't respond extra.

He Yitong glanced at Yu Jinxiao with cold eyes again, and strode out of the villa.

The assistant had been waiting for her in the car, and when she got in the car, He Yitong patted her heart and secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

When talking with Yu Jinxiao in the study just now, the dog system suddenly issued a new task, asking her to propose to Yu Jinxiao to take Xiaobao home.

Be good, Xiao Bao is like a stranger to her, who wants to bring a strange child home?

It's a pity that those 5 progress points were so damn tempting, He Yitong still compromised.

After hearing her request, Yu Jinxiao refused without hesitation.

Others thought that He Yitong was extremely resentful, but in reality - that's great!Fortunately, Da Heizi refused, otherwise she wouldn't know what to do with Xiaobao!

Big Cub, Second Cub and Little Cub are always her own cubs, no matter in the book or not, they are a family in Wonderland, even if restricted by the book world, He Yitong only has feelings for them.

As for other people's cubs... let's go where they come from.

She didn't want to help raise it.

After He Yitong left, the air pressure in Yu's villa was very low for a while, and one of the reasons was Yu Jinxiao.

Everyone guessed that there must have been a quarrel in the study just now, and Mr. Yu was in a very bad mood, like a bomb that could explode at any moment.

"Baba..." As soon as Yu Yuanyuan saw Baba, he thought of his mission and prepared to go up to claim credit.

Yu Jinxiao lowered his eyes and saw the lollipop in Yu Yuanyuan's hand, his eyes shot out murderous light: "Who gave her snacks again?"

Gao Zhou who stood aside weakly raised his hand: "It's me..."

Yu Yuanyuan opened her mouth wide in fright, pulled the lollipop out of her mouth with a swipe, and asked weakly, "Do you want to eat Baba too? Yuanyuan... there is only one, why don't you... have a taste of it?"

(End of this chapter)

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