The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1145 Looks like a bad guy!

Chapter 1145 Looks like a bad guy!

Xiaobao didn't know whether he should get close to the fence, and turned his head to look for Yu Yuanyuan.

But Yu Yuanyuan, who had been hidden for a long time, did not know where she went.

"Little friend, do you want to see your father?" The gap in the fence is so thin that it is absolutely impossible for that man to get in, and it is impossible for Xiao Bao to get out.

But through this obstacle, Xiaobao heard words that made his heart skip a beat.

" know my dad?" She looked at the man outside in surprise and couldn't believe it.

The man wore a hat and pressed down his glasses. He smiled and took out a photo: "Isn't he your father?"

When Xiao Bao saw it, he immediately lay down on the fence: "That's right, he is my father! Uncle, do you really know my father?"

The corner of the man's mouth was raised, and he nodded with a strange smile: "Of course, otherwise he wouldn't have given me the photo."

"Then where is my father?" After hearing this, Xiaobao turned his head to look for someone.

But the outside of this villa area is already remote, except for this man, no one else can be seen at all.

"Little Treasure, your father needs your help now," the man said earnestly. "You have to help him with something. Only when you succeed can you see him, will never see your father again."

"Ah... what's the matter?" Xiaobao is only three years old, and the seemingly outrageous lies of adults are very useful to her.

When he heard that Baba might never be seen again, Xiaobao was so anxious that he almost cried.

"Have you seen this thing?" The man took out a button-like thing and showed her how to operate it, "You take this thing to the study room where you live now, and find a higher place that is not easy to be found Paste it, remember, you must not be found, otherwise you will never see your father, you know? You can’t tell anyone what happened today!”

"Ah, what is this?" Xiaobao shook his head subconsciously after hearing this, "Will it hurt people? Dad said, you can't hurt people!"

"Of course not, this thing is not dangerous at all, can help your father."

In order to dispel Xiaobao's resistance, the man handed the things into Xiaobao's hands.

She looked at it over and over for a long time, her palm was not injured, and she didn't feel any discomfort, so she was relieved immediately.

"As long as you paste it, it's all right?" Xiaobao was dubious, but thinking of her father, she decided to take a risk.

"Well, as long as you do well, I will bring Dad here to see you in six days. Remember, you can only come alone, you know?"

Xiao Bao put the black button-like thing into his pocket, and nodded in confusion.

She didn't know what was so special about this thing, but she just felt uncomfortable all the time.

If it wasn't for her father, she would have turned around and left!
After packing up his things, Xiaobao was still standing by the bushes blankly watching the man walk away.

And not far away, Yu Yuanyuan also ducked down in another layer of grass, and quietly took a picture of the scene just now.

Susu outside the fence looks like a bad guy!

That attire was exactly the same as the villain Yu Yuanyuan had seen, Susu, humming, it was inevitable that Xiaobao would be taken away by the villains, Yu Yuanyuan immediately took out her phone and watch to take pictures.

But that bad uncle didn't do anything, he just gave Xiaobao something small and left.

Could it be... isn't he a bad guy?
Xiaobao seemed to have completely forgotten about hide-and-seek, and stood there in a daze, looking preoccupied.

Yu Yuanyuan turned off the camera on the phone and watch and waited for a while, finally couldn't bear it anymore, and popped out from the grass: "Xiaobao!"

When she shouted like this, Xiaobao trembled in fright.

(End of this chapter)

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