The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1146 A 3-Year-Old Child Is So Heavy

Chapter 1146 A Three-Year-Old Child Is So Heavy
Xiaobao's eyes were full of horror, as if Yu Yuanyuan had done something terrible.

Xiao Zai Zai was stunned by her expression.

Just calling names...why do you still scare people?

"Little Treasure, why don't you come and catch Yuanyuan?" Thinking of the peek-a-boo kid again, he urged anxiously, "Yuanyuan has been hiding for a long, long time!"

"I...I didn't find it," Xiaobao looked downcast, lowering his head, "Yuanyuan hid it really well."

"Hey hey," Yu Yuanyuan smirked triumphantly, and suggested again, "Then Xiaobao, go and hide, I'll come and find you, okay?"

"Oh good."

Xiaobao's heart was in a mess, even though he was not in the mood to play games at all, he still agreed to Yu Yuanyuan's request.

She was not familiar with this place, so she could only randomly find a corner of the grass and the trash can, and hide in it temporarily.

Taking advantage of being alone, Xiaobao can quietly recall what happened just now.

Could that person be the bad guy?
But he really had a photo of his father, and he knew she was his daughter!

And he also said that she needs her help to stick the little button to a hidden place in order to help Dad.

What is this little button?

Thinking of this, Xiaobao's head became more and more confused, and she didn't even notice that Yu Yuanyuan was around.

Standing outside the grass, Yu Yuanyuan raised her hand and grabbed Xiaobao's clothes: "Quack, Xiaobao, I caught you!"

Little Treasure was so frightened that he raised his head with a pale face, and smiled uglier than crying: "I... I lost."

"Ah, your complexion is so bad, are you not feeling well?" Yu Yuanyuan patted her on the back worriedly, her small face was full of concern.

Xiaobao grabbed the little paw and said in a trembling voice, "Yuanyuan, let's go home first, shall we?"

"Okay!" Yu Yuanyuan nodded, and suddenly walked up to her and squatted down, "Come on, Yuanyuan will carry your fat man!"

"Ah?" Xiaobao was stunned by her proposal, "It's okay, I can go by myself."

But Yu Yuanyuan still insisted on carrying her on her back, and patted herself on the shoulder: "Don't worry, Yuanyuan is amazing, she won't let you fall."

In fact, Xiaobao didn't feel uncomfortable at all, but seeing Yu Yuanyuan inviting her so sincerely, she was also a little moved.

From childhood to adulthood, only my father and grandmother would carry her when they were sick, and the other one is the current Yu Yuanyuan.

Xiaobao hesitated for a moment, and lightly put his hands on her back: "If you can't do it, don't force it!"

"Yuanyuan can do it!" Yu Yuanyuan cheered herself up excitedly.

That's how it's done in the anime!

When others feel uncomfortable, you can take the patient back and carry them back!

Yu Yuanyuan still has self-knowledge, her claws can't hold Xiaobao, but she can carry it on her back.

Little Treasure climbed onto Yu Yuanyuan's back bit by bit worriedly, and Yu Yuanyuan, who had already prepared her position, immediately regretted it.

What! !
Is a three-year-old child so heavy!

Poor her little waist is about to collapse!
But she was the one who proposed to carry Xiaobao on her own initiative, Yu Yuanyuan didn't want to admit defeat at this time, she gathered her strength, her little face turned red, and she carried Xiaobao on her back and walked towards the door step by step.

Walking and walking, after walking for a long time, Yu Yuanyuan felt that her feet were almost not her own, and finally saw the gate of the yard.

At the same time, Shen Ji was also getting off from a car not far away.

He also saw two overlapping figures not far away.

Yuanyuan is carrying that little treasure?

Could it be that Little Treasure bullied Yuanyuan and made Yuanyuan carry it on purpose?

Thinking of this possibility, Shen Ji's face darkened, and he quickened his pace.

(End of this chapter)

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