The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1148 There is a strange sorghum

Chapter 1148 There is a strange sorghum

Shen Ji looked at the back of Xiaobao fleeing in a hurry, and did not startle the snake.

If it was really what he thought, how could a child have that thing? Could it be someone else gave it to her?
As usual, Shen Ji carried Yu Yuanyuan back to the study room, and observed Xiaobao's position under the guise of fetching water.

Xiaobao is in the room now, with the door half closed by himself, and he doesn't know what he is doing.

After receiving the water, Shen Ji didn't go back to the study room directly, but went to Yu Yuanyuan's bedroom first while no one noticed.

Opening the door a small crack, Shen Ji put his mobile phone into shooting mode, and only stuck the corner of the camera out of the door.

Not long after, Xiao Bao came out of the room.

She first looked at the door for a while, then walked towards Yu Jinxiao's study.


Pausing for two seconds at the door of the study, the little figure quickly ran in, and ran out again in less than two minutes.

There is still some distance from the study room, Shen Ji can't make it in time, and it's easy to startle the snake.

He always felt that things were not that simple, and he probably needed to talk to Mr. Yu about this matter.

When Xiao Bao returned to the room, Shen Ji took the water glass back to the study room and locked the door.

To avoid being overheard, he deliberately stuffed a scarf into the crack of the door.

"What is brother Shen Ji doing?" Yu Yuanyuan sat on the bench, shaking her feet curiously.

Shen Ji made a "shh" gesture, and Yu Zaizai immediately covered his mouth and stopped talking.

After preparing all this, Shen Ji went back to Yu Yuanyuan and sat down: "Yuanyuan, when you went out to play with Xiaobao today, did anything strange happen? For example... Has Xiaobao ever seen anything except you?" outsiders?"

When Yu Yuanyuan heard it, she nodded immediately: "Yes, there is a strange man at the fence who has been talking to Xiaobao, but Yuanyuan is too far away to hear him."

"Then do you still remember the appearance of that strange sorghum?" Shen Ji intends to learn more about it.

Xiao Zai Zai suddenly turned on the phone and watch, and sent the video to Shen Ji: "Brother Shen Ji, Yuanyuan has taken a video! It's all filmed!"

Shen Ji didn't expect this result, he touched Yu Yuanyuan's little head in surprise: "Yuanyuan is amazing! She actually knew how to take pictures!"

"Hey hey hey~~~" Zai Zai proudly raised his head after being praised.

Shen Ji played the picture taken by Yu Yuanyuan on the screen of his mobile phone. Unfortunately, the picture taken by the child could not be very stable, the whole process was shaky, and there were leaves blocking the camera.

However, Yu Yuanyuan still captured the man.

Shen Ji took the clearest picture and saved the video as well.

These things might be useful to Mr. Yu.

"What's the matter?" Yu Yuanyuan saw that Shen Ji was thinking, and asked in a low voice, "Has Xiaobao met a bad guy?"

"I'm not sure yet, but this matter must be kept secret first." Shen Ji patted Xiao Zai Zai's shoulder and said solemnly, "You must not let others know, and you must not let Xiao Bao know."

"Obviously understand!" Xiao Zai Zai nodded.

Shen Ji first arranged some interesting arithmetic problems for Yu Yuanyuan, and when she was immersed in writing, he searched on the phone for the things that fell out of Xiaobao just now.

That black thing is most likely a pinhole camera, and it also has a sound transmission function.

No matter how precocious Xiaobao is, she is only a three-year-old child, and it is impossible for her to have the money to buy this thing as a toy.

After Shen Ji ruled out those impossible situations, there was only one possibility left——

It was given by that sneaky man this afternoon.

(End of this chapter)

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