The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1149 Yuanyuan is now a siren

Chapter 1149 Yuanyuan is now a siren
As for the identity of that man, I can only trouble Mr. Yu to investigate.

Shen Ji sorted out the clues and conjectures he currently had, and was ready to negotiate with Yu Jinxiao.

It's just that he didn't expect to wait until it was dark and the night was dark, and Yu Jinxiao returned with the air-conditioning of the night.

Shen Ji purposely played with Yu Yuanyuan in the room, during which Yu Mingxi and Yu Yingze also specially took some photos and videos of Yu Yuanyuan to update the "Zai Zai Official Weibo" account.

Yu Jinxiao had to deal with a lot of stressful matters at the company today, and in the afternoon he had a tiring conversation with He Yitong alone.

When he got home and saw that Shen Ji hadn't left yet, and even his eyes seemed to give him some kind of hint, Yu Jinxiao knew that something bad was coming to him.

Yu Mingxi and Yu Yingze had already gone back to their room to do their homework, and only Yu Yuanyuan was left to play with the dolls with Shen Ji.

"Yuanyuan, can you do me a favor?" Shen Ji touched that little head, his serious expression made Yu Yuanyuan suddenly become serious.

"Okay... okay!" Yu Yuanyuan nodded, blinking her big, not-so-intelligent eyes.

Even if everyone doesn't believe that Yu Yuanyuan can do good things, Shen Ji absolutely trusts this little boy.

"I have something to talk to Mr. Yu later, but I can't let Xiaobao hear it. Can Yuanyuan keep an eye on Xiaobao for me?" Fearing that Yu Yuanyuan wouldn't understand, Shen Ji even thought about the plan for her. "You keep staring at Xiaobao. If she is going to go downstairs, you speak loudly on purpose. The louder the better."

Xiao Zai Zai thought for a while, then frowned: "Being a little spy?"

Shen Ji couldn't help laughing: "No, Yuanyuan is a powerful little agent!"

"Hey hey!" Yu Yuanyuan got up from the carpet and stood still, "Brother Shen Ji, don't worry, Yuanyuan can do it!"

"Remember, don't let Xiaobao know about this~"

"Okay~" Under the influence of Shen Ji's mysterious tone, Yu Yuanyuan directly switched to speaking in a breathy voice.

The door opened, and Shen Ji came to the door of Yu Jinxiao's study and said, "Mr. Yu, I have something I want to talk to you about."

Just as Yu Jinxiao was about to signal him to take a seat, Shen Ji shook his head and gestured to the distance in the corridor with his eyes.

This little move couldn't be more obvious, Yu Jinxiao knew that Shen Ji wanted to talk elsewhere, so he got up and walked out without saying much.

"Go to my room to talk?" Yu Jinxiao gave a new place.

Shen Ji shook his head: "Go to the room I lived in before."

A "small button" fell out of Xiaobao's body, but it doesn't mean that there is only one "small button", maybe an ambush has been set up in Yu Jinxiao's room.

But they definitely wouldn't have thought that Yu Jinxiao would go to an unremarkable small room with him to discuss matters, and make preparations for monitoring and monitoring in advance.

Just when Yu Jinxiao and Shen Ji were about to go downstairs, Yu Yuanyuan was walking backwards from Xiaobao's room to the top of the stairs, squatting down and not moving.

"Yu Yuanyuan, what are you doing here?" Yu Jinxiao frowned and asked.

Why does this little glutinous rice ball look so weird, are you playing some new game?
Yu Yuanyuan didn't even raise her head, she was very involved in the drama: "Yuanyuan is a siren now!"

Yu Jinxiao: "..."

Shen Ji had something to talk to him about, and Yu Jinxiao didn't want to waste time, so he passed Xiao Zai Zai and went downstairs.

Walking into the somewhat deserted room, Shen Ji locked the door: "Mr. Yu, I suspect that there is something wrong with Xiaobao."

(End of this chapter)

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