The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1150 This kid's IQ is overwhelming

Chapter 1150 This kid's IQ is overwhelming
"How did you find out?" Yu Jinxiao felt very strange, Shen Ji only showed up at Yu's house for so little time every day, yet he still found something abnormal?

Shen Ji took out the video that Yu Yuanyuan sent him: "Yuanyuan secretly took this video when she was playing outside with Xiaobao this afternoon."

After watching the video carefully, one big and one small, Yu Jinxiao's brows knit together unconsciously.

"This man has been talking to Xiaobao by the fence, and he still seems to be holding something in his hand, but... the video is a bit blurry, and it's hard to see what he's holding." Shen Ji straightforwardly pointed out what he thought was suspicious.

His views coincided with Yu Jinxiao's.

Yu Jinxiao sent this video to Gao Zhou, and asked Gao Zhou to call the surveillance in the villa area.

"And when Yuanyuan and I came back in the afternoon, we saw a black button-like thing falling out of Xiaobao's body." Shen Ji continued to operate his phone, and pulled out a picture to show Yu Jinxiao, "It's very similar to this one." , it is probably a pinhole camera. Not long after we came back, Xiaobao went to the study."

After listening to Shen Ji's words, Yu Jinxiao couldn't believe that this was all on the mind of an 11-year-old kid.

When he was not at home, this little devil actually discovered so many secrets.

How meticulous is the mind to notice all this without moving?
The room suddenly fell silent, Yu Jinxiao thought of something, and subconsciously looked towards the closed door.

Shen Ji immediately said: "I asked Yuanyuan to stand guard at the stairs, if Xiaobao went downstairs, she would speak loudly to signal us.

Yu Jinxiao: "..." I didn't expect that you also mastered the correct way to use Zai Zai!

An 11-year-old kid can be so thoughtful.

This made Yu Jinxiao, an adult, feel a chill down his back for a moment.

No one knows whether Shen Ji will become a terrifying character when he grows up, but the current Shen Ji...has shown signs of that to Yu Jinxiao.

As the time passed, Gaozhou was very efficient in handling affairs, and sent the monitored and processed screenshots in a short while.

Screenshots that looked blurry before are now much clearer.

"It's a picture of a man, this man..." Shen Ji looked at it carefully, but he didn't recognize the man in the picture.

Yu Jinxiao's brows furrowed even more tightly: "This man is Xiaobao's former father."

"It seems that the people outside the guardrail are using this photo to dissuade Xiaobao's vigilance or to threaten her," Shen Ji's guess is indistinguishable, "The little black button that looks like a pinhole camera may also be given by this man. Xiaobao's."

Yu Jinxiao didn't have a negative guess, perhaps it should be said that Shen Ji's guess was similar to what he thought.

Resonating with a kid in his teens, Yu Jinxiao doesn't know whether to say that his IQ is only ten years old, or that the kid's IQ is bursting.

After clicking on the nearby surveillance, Shen Ji soon discovered another detail.

"The monitoring angle can't capture the man's face, and he can't see what he's holding in his hand." Shen Ji cut the point, "He should have visited nearby to know where the monitoring is, so he stood here on purpose to meet him. Little Treasure spoke. Even if he was photographed, his identity and what he did cannot be confirmed."

However, now with the video taken by Yu Yuanyuan, everything is different.

Yu Jinxiao has asked Gao Zhou to investigate the identity of this person.

Outside the door, Yu Yuanyuan, who was squatting on the stairs, dutifully guarded, like a dozing cat.

"Yuanyuan, why are you here?" Little Treasure appeared from behind at some point, and Yu Yuanyuan was startled by his voice.

(End of this chapter)

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