The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1151 Shen Ji and her are also a family?

Yu Yuanyuan seemed to be furious for a moment, stood up with a brush, and stammered: "Yuanyuan is in a daze in Jieli!"

Having already experienced many of Yu Yuanyuan's miraculous operations, Xiaobao is no stranger to it.

"Oh~~" Xiaobao walked around Yu Yuanyuan, holding on to the railing and started walking downstairs.

As soon as Yu Yuanyuan saw this, she ran forward in a hurry: "Xiaobao, where are you going?"

"I want to drink water!" Xiaobao didn't stop moving, and gradually approached downstairs.

Thinking of the task entrusted by brother Shen Ji, Yu Yuanyuan speeded up and rushed downstairs, and suddenly yelled: "Xiao Bao said—she—wanted—drink—water—water! Drink—— Water—water!"

This shout was clearly heard in Shen Ji's ears.

The discussion between him and Yu Jinxiao came to an abrupt end.

Xiaobao's ears almost fell off when Yu Yuanyuan called out in such a milky voice.

She picked out her ears and looked at Yu Yuanyuan timidly: "Yuanyuan...don't shout so loudly, I can take it myself."

"No-yes-yes!" In order to increase the volume, Yu Yuanyuan almost shook the strength of her whole body, panting with exhaustion, "It's dangerous for children to take things by themselves! No-you can clatter!"

Yu Yuanyuan's voice echoed throughout the villa, and every time she finished speaking, she was so tired that her face flushed red.

She was very afraid that brother Shen Ji would not hear her, so she tried her best to calm down her dantian and used the loudest volume.

Xiao Bao was frightened by Yu Yuanyuan's loud voice and froze in place, not daring to find water alone.

When Aunt Chen heard Yu Yuanyuan's words, she immediately fetched a glass of water for Xiao Bao: "Miss, the water is ready."

"Oh, thank you, auntie." As soon as Xiaobao got the water, he immediately turned back upstairs.

As if afraid of Yu Yuanyuan yelling like an alarm again, her ears hurt and her heart beat wildly.

Seeing Xiaobao go upstairs, Yu Yuanyuan shrugged her little shoulders, panting with exhaustion.

The door opened slowly, and Shen Ji waved to the little guy standing downstairs.

Seeing this, Yu Yuanyuan hurried up: "Shen... brother Shen Ji, did you just... hear... Yuanyuan's... voice?"

The little glutinous rice ball in front of her was so tired that her little shoulders heaved and her little face was flushed, like a little ball that was about to leak air.

Shen Ji patted her on the head, his eyes were gentle and full of encouragement: "I heard, Yuanyuan did a great job!"

"Yu Yuanyuan, why did you send it to someone else if you didn't send it to me as soon as you photographed it?" Yu Jinxiao wanted to question this little glutinous rice ball just now!

Obviously he asked Xiao Tangyuan to be a spy, but the video was transferred from Shen Ji to him

Just thinking about it, Yu Jinxiao has the urge to vomit blood.

"Baba, elder brother Shen Ji is not someone else!" Yu Yuanyuan's eyes widened in shock.

Feelings are in this little Douding's heart, Shen Ji and her are also a family?

Forget it, Yu Jinxiao doesn't want to worry about it at this moment.

There is very likely a pinhole camera in his study now, and it must be found as soon as possible.

Little Treasure is not tall, so he should not hide in a place that is too high or too hidden.

Shen Ji raised his head, saw through Yu Jinxiao's plan at a glance, and said with a smile: "If you want to find that black button, you don't need to trouble yourself, just let Yuanyuan do it!"

Yu Jinxiao: "?"

Yu Yuanyuan (sluggish): "?"

How could such an important matter be handed over to Yu Yuanyuan, a little glutinous rice ball?Just kidding!

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