The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1152 Little Appearance Acts Quite Likely

Chapter 1152 Little Appearance Acts Quite Likely
"Mr. Yu, since he wants to know what will happen in your study, why not..." After finishing speaking, Shen Ji showed an evil smirk.

Yu Jinxiao understood Shen Ji's black-bellied smile in seconds: "Let the camera stay there?"

After finishing the words, Shen Ji nodded his head, that half-smile expression made people feel chills uncontrollably.

If they are the ones looking for it, if the other party is already monitoring and listening, they will definitely know that their behavior has been exposed, and they will probably make preparations in advance, and may even change their plans.

And what Yu Jinxiao was doing early in the morning may also be affected by the other party's defense and plan changes.

But if they know where the camera is in advance, and they turn their backs on customers, they can use this camera to send fake news.

In this way, the initiative is in their hands.

It's just that it's really difficult to find that pinhole lens quietly and quietly.

"Yuanyuan, there is a very important task that depends on you!" Shen Ji squatted down, holding Yu Yuanyuan's furry arms in pajamas with both hands, "Only you can complete it!"


Only Yuanyuan...

Only Yuanyuan can...

Only Yuanyuan can complete it!
Shen Ji knows how to coax cubs. When he said this, Yu Yuanyuan felt a powerful force, which made her wrapped in a sense of trust that she had created.

Now, both Ba Ba and Brother Shen Ji need her, Yu Zaizai's help!
With a strong sense of mission, Yu Yuanyuan straightened her back: "What is it?"

Shen Ji leaned forward and whispered in a low voice next to Yu Yuanyuan's ear.

The voice was very low, but Yu Jinxiao who was beside him could hear it clearly.

Is this really possible?

Entrusting such an important matter to Yu Yuanyuan, Yu Jinxiao's heart hangs now, no matter how he thinks about it, he feels uneasy.

He really didn't understand why Shen Ji had such incredible trust and calmness that he could trust this little dumpling who didn't look very smart.

"Does Yuanyuan understand?" Shen Ji patted her head and gently guided her, "Can you tell me again, what is the mission we mentioned just now?"

That not-so-clever Yazi actually recounted the task assigned by Shen Ji accurately, and his small eyes looked eager to try.

Shen Ji gave a thumbs up and silently signaled to Yu Yuanyuan, "Bang bang!"
After receiving likes, Xiao Zai Zai was even happier, raised his claws and shouted: "Yuan Yuan is leaving!"

Yu Jinxiao and Shen Ji followed behind, and now it was the two of them who let Yu Yuanyuan out.

After chatting with Yu Jinxiao, Shen Ji confirmed that Xiaobao had only been out of the villa today, other than that he was in his room and hadn't been anywhere.

Judging from the man's actions, he should have only given Xiaobao a pinhole camera. Now, they just need to find the location of the camera!

Yu Yuanyuan swaggered to the door of the study, and poked her head inside pretendingly: "Baba~~ are you there?"

Yu Jinxiao, who was standing behind her: The little girl looks pretty good at acting!
Yu Yuanyuan, who seemed to be looking for Baba, quietly walked into the study, and started to walk around with her little feet.

She didn't look like she was looking for something, but more like she was exploring a place that she couldn't just enter before when the adults were not at home.

After all, this little glutinous rice ball is only three years old, who would have thought that she is actually "acting" now!

I'm afraid no one will believe it!

(End of this chapter)

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