The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1155 I Believe in Everything I See

Chapter 1155 I Believe in Everything I See

"Baba just like that...suddenly...stands behind all of a sudden, it's a sneak attack!" Yu Yuanyuan's small appearance speaks plausibly.

All right, Yu Jinxiao is afraid that if he continues talking, he will be led into a pit by this little bean.

Glancing at the stairs leading to the second floor, Yu Jinxiao patted that little head, lowered the volume, and created a mysterious atmosphere: "You did a very good job today, very good!"

Suddenly receiving Baba's performance, his small body froze at first, and his big eyes burst out with excitement.

"Really?? Did Yuanyuan do a good job! Is she a powerful spy... Oh no, Brother Shen Ji said Yuanyuan is a spy!" While talking, that little claw was still dancing around, like A standing kitten who is only attracted to the cat teaser.

After hearing this, Yu Jinxiao frowned even more.

This morning he was still his little spy, but at night, he became brother Shen Ji's spy.

This little glutinous rice ball is really a fickle guy!

He secretly scolded that little boy in his heart, but Yu Jinxiao didn't bring his emotions to the surface, and he also knew that his idea was really naive.

This kind of naive idea must not be known to the more naive Yu Zaizai.

"Baba~~ Yuanyuan is sleepy," Yu Yuanyuan yawned big, her eyes gradually narrowed into slits, "I still need Yuanyuan tonight...when &¥%#..."

At the end of the conversation, Yu Jinxiao could no longer understand what she was saying.

However, it can be roughly guessed that Xiao Douding is asking if she needs to continue to be an agent.

Does she really think of herself as an agent?

Yu Jinxiao hugged Yu Zaizai, that little head immediately leaned against his shoulder as if looking for a pillow, his eyes were half-closed, as if he would fall asleep at any moment.

After finally washing the little guy who was about to fall asleep, Yu Jinxiao just stuffed the baby into the quilt, and the sound of even breathing that only fell asleep sounded on the bed in seconds.

If this quality of sleep can be distributed to people with insomnia, it will benefit the public.

Yu Zaizai, who was already in the dreamland, slept soundly, and on the other side, Shen Ji had just arrived home not long ago.

Just as he was about to look for clues about the camera on the bed, there was a sudden knock on the door.

"Come in." Shen Ji originally wanted to ignore it, but he was afraid that if he didn't let people in, people outside would bother him all night.

The door opened, and Shen Juya leaned against the door frame as if he was posing in some awesome pose.

But Shen Ji saw only irritability and impatience in his eyes.

"You've been staying at Yu's house for a long time recently, are you doing something other than tutoring?" Shen Juya saw clearly today.

Although Yu Jinxiao didn't personally send Shen Ji out, but there was a looming figure at the window, it must be Yu Jinxiao.

How could he personally go to the window to send a child off?

There must be something else going on.

"It's nothing." It is absolutely impossible for Shen Ji to tell him the secrets about the Yu family.

Strictly speaking, the relationship between him and Yu Jinxiao is deeper than this so-called father.

He promised Mr. Yu that he would keep it secret, and he would never let anyone who shouldn't know even a single word.

"I'm worried that something will happen to you, Yu Jinxiao is not an ordinary person." The smile in Shen Juya's eyes was completely suppressed, replaced by a kind of seriousness and worry that was contrary to usual.

In any case, Shen Ji is his child, and now that he is back home, of course he wants to make up for everything he owed before.

Protecting Shen Ji is also one of his responsibilities.

"Are you an ordinary person?" Shen Ji sat on the bed, picked up a book and flipped through it, his eyes didn't want to stay on him for a second, "Mr. Yu is not a bad person, even if other people don't believe it, but I believe Everything I see myself."

(End of this chapter)

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