The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1156 Can't see any trace of lying

Chapter 1156 Can't see any trace of lying
Is this being tricked?
Shen Zhuoya really wanted to sit down and recount with him what Yu Jinxiao had done back then.

But after going through it carefully in my mind, either some are in the commercial field, or some should not be known to children.

At the end of the day, none of them are suitable as warning cases.

"I know you're a smart kid, don't do what others ask you to do, and discuss with me first if you have a situation," Shen Juya said in his father's usual serious tone, Shen Ji still looked down at the book, as if he didn't want to answer He, he had no choice but to add a suffix humbly, "Can you?"

"En." Shen Ji didn't want him to be an eyesore here again, so Shen Sheng dropped a word in response.

This is better than nothing, Shen Juya sighed, got up and left the room.

After the room was completely quiet, Shen Ji picked up the phone again.

He saw a very small LOGO on the pinhole camera in the video shot by Yuanyuan today, and through that LOGO, Shen Ji identified the brand.

This brand is a domestic brand, but the price is very expensive and the quality is very good, so most people seldom buy it.

Maybe...he found some ideas.

When I went to school the next day, Shen Ji was also thinking about whether his analysis was correct.

But whether it is correct or not, he has to try it.

After school, Shen Ji asked the driver to take him to a store.

This store is one of the authorized stores of the pinhole camera brand, and the locations of all authorized stores under their brand can be found on the Internet.

Putting aside the fact that this item was purchased from another place, Shen Ji felt that it was more likely that the man in black bought it with cash.

If you buy online, it is easier to leave clues, and Mr. Yu can quickly find out who bought the same product by following along.

Even if they are excluded one by one, Mr. Yu definitely has the manpower and patience.

Although Shen Ji didn't understand some things, and he wasn't sure how much power was behind it, it was very likely that Mr. Yu was not facing one or two bad guys. If there was a very powerful existence, the danger behind it could not be estimated.

That circle...

Thinking that these dangers might involve Yu Yuanyuan, Shen Ji became even more eager to find out the identity of that person.

A person who can do these things must be a very thoughtful person.

Shen Ji tried to bring into the thinking mode of such a person, and analyzed the possibilities he had guessed little by little.

In order not to leave traces, I will try to buy with cash as much as possible, and may even step on nearby spots in advance, and choose a store with no monitoring or the least monitoring along the way and at the door of the store to buy.

This store is in a small alley, and the car can only be parked on the main road outside, and you have to go around a few small roads with almost no people to get there.

After the method of elimination, Shen Ji suspected this shop the most.

Standing at the door of this digital equipment store whose business is not so good, Shen Ji's body is full of excitement that he is about to unveil his own verification.

The business in the store is very poor. The boss is lying on the table and swiping his mobile phone.

Shen Ji stepped forward and pushed open the door. The boss got up vigorously to greet someone when he heard someone was coming.

Taking out the pictures that had been saved long ago, Shen Ji politely asked if there were any lenses of the same style in the store.

After checking, the boss took out a box and put it on the table: "Kid, yes, but what are you buying this for? The price is not cheap."

"The puppy I keep in the yard has been hurting all the time recently. I suspect that someone is bullying it. I want to put a camera on it to see what's going on." When Shen Ji said this, his expression was very sincere. The boss There was no sign of lying on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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