The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1158 Bite off the glove of the left hand with your mouth

Chapter 1158 Bite off the glove of the left hand with your mouth

Before Shen Ji gave the money, the boss doubted whether he had the money to buy it.

After all, it costs thousands of dollars, and many people don't like to spend such a large amount of money. There are many cheap alternatives.

It wasn't until Shen Ji took out a card and signaled the boss to swipe the card that the boss really believed that this teenager was a rich man.

The black card in his hand is not something that ordinary people can have at first glance. His temperament and gestures are extraordinary. It seems that he really met a distinguished guest today.

The boss swiped the card quickly, and even instinctively used both hands when he handed the card back.

Shen Ji took the handbag and said with a smile, "Thank you."

"Walk slowly." The boss nodded and bowed to send him out of the shop.

The sun was shining brightly outside, and the sunlight was so strong that it was hard to keep your eyes open.

The moment he stepped out of the store, Shen Ji immediately felt a strange sight faintly visible in the dark.

But he looked in the sensed direction...

There were only scattered passers-by, and everything seemed peaceful, as usual.

But in his bones, he kept releasing warnings about the sense of crisis.

The small road that was deserted when we came was just as quiet when we returned.

There are some debris on the side of the road.

There were cardboard boxes and trash cans that no one wanted, and a lot of black tarpaulin bags.

Shen Ji clenched his fists carefully to pay attention to the sounds and movements around him, and slowly walked through the snake-like narrow path.


The seemingly identical dead garbage team next to him bounced all kinds of debris, and a man covered his face rushed forward, raising his hand to snatch Shen Ji's cell phone.

The man was tall and strong, holding a stick as thick as an arm in his hand.

Shen Ji stepped aside subconsciously, and the man hit Shen Ji fiercely, swinging his stick and hitting Shen Ji on the head.

Fortunately, Shen Ji's height was much higher now, he raised his arm to block it, but the stick did not fall on his head, but his arm suddenly felt a sharp pain.

The moment the man stopped before he came, Shen Ji raised his foot and kicked the man's leg, his brows were furrowed, and his eyes flashed cruelly.

Shen Ji had already lost feeling in his right arm due to the pain, Shen Ji gritted his teeth, the position of the man just blocked his way, if he turned back at this time, he would be overtaken immediately.

No matter which direction you run, it is definitely not the best decision.

Although the man was so painful that he leaned against the wall, he quickly adjusted his posture and prepared for the second attack with a fierce face.


For a professional thug, this strength is not enough to make people lose their mobility.

The man sneered: "Little boy, what do you think your fist can do to me..."

Before the words fell, there was a whistling wind from high above, and a flower pot fell on the man's head without any mistakes.

Shen Ji hid in a safe place as early as the first time, not even a little soil fell on his body.

The tall flower pot fell down, and the man leaned back against the wall in a daze, his eyes covered with blood.

Taking advantage of the man's poor vision, Shen Ji ran out of the alley as fast as he could.

The driver was still waiting for him on the side of the road not far away.

Shen Ji's arm was already in pain, and as soon as he got into the car, his expression and state scared the driver.

"Master, you... what's wrong with you?" The driver's face turned white inch by inch.

Shen Ji didn't speak, and slowly took off his coat and raised the cuffs, his arms were already blue and purple, looking very scary.

"Someone attacked me in the alley, call the police."

(End of this chapter)

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