The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1159 He Will Not Die, Nor Will He Feel Sad

Chapter 1159 He Will Not Die, Nor Will He Feel Sad
The driver immediately called the police, and the police arrived not long after.

But there was no one in the back alley, leaving only traces of the ground.

After the driver sent Shen Ji to the hospital, he quietly called Shen Juya.

Shen Ji's arm has been inspected, but fortunately there is nothing serious, there is a slight bone fracture, after bandaging and applying medicine, the rest needs to be rested quietly.

When he came out of the emergency room, what blocked Shen Ji was Shen Juya's dignified figure.

"What's going on?" Shen Zhuoya saw Shen Ji's footsteps trying to escape, and cut off his route again.

Shen Ji raised his eyes and glanced at him: "I was attacked in the alley, maybe they robbed me of something."

"It's really just like that?" Shen Juiya has read countless people, and his experience is enough to see through Shen Ji's disguise.

"Uncle Lin has already called the police. Didn't the police find anything?" At this point, Shen Ji finally saw something different in his eyes. He seemed to really want to know if the police could find evidence that he didn't have.

"The police are still investigating. According to the traces of the fight at the hit him on the head with a flower pot?" Shen Zhuoya felt that this situation was a bit magical, but the police collected evidence based on the situation at the scene. What we know so far The news is not detailed enough, so we can only get a rough idea.

Shen Ji shook his head: "The flowerpot fell and hit him."

As soon as he finished speaking, he found that Shen Juya was looking at his left hand without the glove.

Sensing something, Shen Ji took off the glove on his right hand, turned it over, and barely put it on his left hand.

"What method did you use..."

"Yes," Shen Ji's eyes were aroused with hostility, "Why, are you afraid now?"

The sharper the tone of Yingying, the more it crushed Shen Juya's hard-won heart again.

He sighed: "No, no, I..."

Shen Ji sneered, and grabbed Shen Juya's palm with his right hand that finally regained consciousness.

The sudden approach made Shen Juya dodge subconsciously, his eyes were a little flustered.

People's instinctive actions can't deceive people, Shen Ji just got an answer that he knew well.

Shen Zhuoya didn't realize what he had done until he avoided it, and it was too late to say something to explain.

Lips open and close, but seem meaningless, his actions say it all.

It is not the first time that Shen Ji has been dodged like this. Shen Juya's behavior is just another knife in his heart. He will not die, nor will he feel sad. Isn't this the life he has always been in before? ?
It doesn't make a difference either.

Bypassing Shen Juya, Shen Ji calmly returned to the car, but left Shen Juya alone on the spot as if he had slapped him.

While in the car, Shen Juya didn't ask any questions, until he got home, he called the driver, Uncle Lin, to ask him alone.

Knowing the cause and effect, Shen Zhuoya suddenly thought of the situation when he went to pick up Shen Ji last night.

Although it was just a guess, he suspected that the trouble Shen Ji encountered today might have something to do with Yu Jinxiao.

This is a special intuition, without root, but extraordinarily strong and clear.

Late at night, Shen Zhuoya closed the study door and dialed Yu Jinxiao's phone.

On the other end of the phone, Yu Yuanyuan was hanging around Yu Jinxiao's neck, yelling and telling stories.

The little glutinous rice ball said that he wanted to hear a story he hadn't heard before, and Yu Jinxiao was forced to search the Internet for keywords of "children's bedtime stories". At this moment, Shen Juya called.

(End of this chapter)

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