The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1168 The new DNA result came out

Chapter 1168 The new DNA result came out

In order to experience how Shen Ji's brother would feel when he taught her every day, Yu Yuanyuan led Xiao Bao to the study room.

The difference is that Xiaobao is sitting where she sits every day, and she is sitting on the chair that Shen Ji's brother usually sits on.

Turning on the desk lamp, and taking out a blank paper and pen, Yu Yuanyuan started teaching decently.

She first wrote down the numbers from 1 to 10, and taught Xiaobao to read them one by one, and then taught her to read and memorize after reading.

Things that are very simple in her eyes will become many times more complicated in the eyes of children.

Xiaobao was learning and learning, and suddenly he was a little dazed: "Yuanyuan, am I stupid, you must have known these things long ago, but I can't even count them."

Yu Yuanyuan could hear Xiaobao's frustration, and her little claw patted her on the shoulder in a dignified way: "It's okay, Yuanyuan didn't understand anything before, but brother Shen Ji taught Yuanyuan patiently, just because he didn't If you understand, you can learn a lot of new and interesting things, which is very interesting!"

Although it was a bit advanced and not very understandable, but Yu Yuanyuan's cheerful tone immediately made Xiaobao's mood much better.

After about half an hour, Xiaobao learned the numbers from 1 to 10, but she seemed to have formed a fixed mindset, and she had to see them appear in a fixed order to remember them well.

The usually silly little Zaizai actually noticed this problem.

She messed up the order of all the numbers, and wanted to combine a new number group to test Xiaobao's ability to draw inferences from one instance.

Shen Ji often uses this trick, Yu Yuanyuan just borrowed it to make his own way.

"1367, 9087, 5634..." The numbers in groups of four can already be distinguished by little treasure.

Yu Yuanyuan planned to give her a more difficult one.

"136..." Yu Yuanyuan wrote down a long row of numbers, and her claws jumped on each number, "It's Yuanyuan's telegraph number~"

"Wow, is the phone number! Is it only for Yuanyuan!" Xiao Bao asked with blinking eyes.

Shaking the child's phone watch, Yu Yuanyuan nodded triumphantly: "Yes, you only need to dial this number to find Yuanyuan... Oh, you are already at home, so you don't need to call Yuanyuan."

After listening to her words, Xiao Bao was amused to giggle, but she didn't heed Yu Yuanyuan's instruction, and practiced memory with Yu Yuanyuan's number seriously.

Yu Jinxiao passed by the study room, heard laughter in the room, poked a little crack in the door with his fingers, and looked inside.

The heads of the two little ghosts were put together, chirping and croaking numbers, laughing from time to time.

The two happy little figures under the light looked very cured.

Warm and cute, but in Yu Jinxiao's eyes, there are some complicated feelings.

If Xiaobao wasn't his own daughter, she would have left the Yu family. She was different from Yu Yuanyuan, and he would never leave her in the Yu family.

I don't know when the time comes... Will this little glutinous rice ball, Yu Yuanyuan, be sad?

There has always been only her elder brother in the family, plus Shen Ji, who is an older boy who is older than her.

Even the twin who hasn't been seen much recently is a little boy older than Yu Yuanyuan.

It's not easy to have a friend of the same sex who is about the same age around me. If this friend...

Some things are principles, Yu Jinxiao will consider Xiaotangyuan's feelings, but he must not completely compromise because of her.

Thinking of this, Yu Jinxiao was about to go back to his room when he suddenly received a call from Gao Zhou.

Gao Zhou's voice on the other end of the phone was weak, as if he hadn't slept for a long time, he was exhausted and had a heavy nasal voice: "Mr. Yu, the new DNA results are out!"

(End of this chapter)

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