The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1169 Just Follow Mr. Yu's Order

Chapter 1169 Just Follow Mr. Yu's Order

Yu Jinxiao's heart tightened for a moment, and he quickly regained his composure: "What is it?"

"The probability of parental authority is 99.99999%," Gao Zhou's voice was hoarse, but he couldn't hide the excitement in his tone, "Mr. Yu, your guess is right!"

The data of the probability of paternity means that the DNA of Xiaobao and Yu Mingxi, whom he sent for inspection, are brothers and sisters.

"There is another piece of data that may take a little later, as long as this result comes out..." Gao Zhou's voice stopped in time without explaining.

Yu Jinxiao already knew the outcome, and was just waiting for a signal to act.

After hanging up the phone, he could see the gap in the door of the study room as soon as he turned around.

The warm and dim light in the house sprinkled on the corridor.

Unfortunately, this warmth will soon end.


When she woke up today, Yu Yuanyuan felt a little different today.

As for what is different, she is a little bit at a loss.

It just feels like there is a depressive atmosphere in the villa, there are many adults in black clothes in the house, some of them Yu Yuanyuan knows, and Shuxuan is also there.

What's even more strange is that they all gathered around the door of Xiaobao's room with expressionless faces, like a group of black-faced gods.

But Yu Yuanyuan knew that He Shuxuan was not a bad person, so the small figure swayed left and right, and was stopped by He Shuxuan just as he was about to approach the door of Xiaobao's room.

"Miss Yuanyuan, you can't go there!" He Shuxuan's arms are very long, as long as he squats down, his arms can easily block Yu Yuanyuan's way.

Xiao Zai Zai barely had an obedient mood, and his little head looked around curiously: "Why? Isn't Xiao Bao's room over there? Why can't you go over and pinch?"

After saying that, the room slowly opened, and through the crack of the door, Yu Yuanyuan saw Xiaobao sitting on the bed.

Not only were there many people outside the room, but there were also several people in black suits standing in Xiaobao's room.

Sitting alone on the bed, Xiaobao looked terrified, so nervous that he remained motionless, his timid little eyes helplessly surveyed everything around him.

When the door opened, Xiao Bao's gaze just happened to move over, passed through several black figures, and found Yu Yuanyuan who was looking at her.

The moment their eyes met, Yu Yuanyuan actually saw a message for help from Xiaobao's eyes.


Why is it the feeling of asking for help?
Is Xiaobao in trouble?
These men in black protected her before, so they should also protect Xiaobao, Xiaobao should not be in trouble... right...

"Brother Shuxuan, why are you in Jieli?" Yu Yuanyuan was a little anxious, her little claws grabbed He Shuxuan's trouser leg, and gently tugged twice as if begging.

The little claw didn't use much force, it was this gentle force that made He Shuxuan's heart soften suddenly, and he couldn't bear to let her go.

"Yuanyuan, it's Mr. Yu's order. No one is allowed to enter that room at the moment. You can go back to the room to play, okay?" He Shuxuan patted the little claw without using force to pull it down.

When Yu Yuanyuan heard it, her little head became more confused: "Why duck?"

"This..." He Shuxuan originally wanted to say that he couldn't say anything, but when the words came to his lips, he immediately changed his words, "I don't know, I just acted according to Mr. Yu's order."

If you say you don't know, Xiao Zai Zai will have no chance to continue asking.

He doesn't know, what else is there to ask?
Sure enough, Yu Yuanyuan let go of her claws, and returned to the room with a sigh.

I thought that the people outside the room would disperse soon, but I didn't expect that they were still there until the afternoon, even when it was dark!
This... this is a bit abnormal!
(End of this chapter)

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