The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1170 Isn't Little Treasure a Baba?

Chapter 1170 Isn't Little Treasure a Baba?
"Brother Shen Ji, why can't Xiaobao leave the room? Why are there so many people in her room? They don't seem to play with Xiaobao either!" There are too many abnormal things today, and Yu Yuanyuan doesn't even have the heart to study, " Little Treasure hasn't come out to eat, is she hungry?"

Yu Yuanyuan asked so many questions, none of which seemed to be important, but Shen Ji still patiently patted her little head to answer one by one.

"There must be some special circumstances that make it inappropriate for Xiaobao to leave the room. Mr. Yu is an adult and he has his own arrangements. Yuanyuan, don't be nervous," Shen Ji's palm gently and rhythmically patted on the little head, "The people in Xiaobao's room are all adults. If Xiaobao has any troubles, they will definitely help; I just saw that Aunt Chen prepared meals and sent them to Xiaobao. Xiaobao is not hungry."

After carefully listening to Shen Ji's answer, Yu Yuanyuan nodded hesitantly, wanting to believe but feeling heavy in her heart, as if something was pressing on her.

When Yu Yuanyuan sent Shen Ji out after tutoring, she realized that all the men in black in the corridor outside suddenly disappeared.

Huh?Are things settled?
Yu Yuanyuan's frown that had been wrinkled all night finally relaxed.

Shen Ji, who saw all this in his eyes, had already guessed something.

Mr. Yu should already have very important clues, and may even have determined Xiaobao's true identity.

Sending Shen Ji to the car, Yu Yuanyuan couldn't wait to go back upstairs and knock on Xiaobao's door: "Xiaobao~Xiaobao~it's Yuanyuan~~"

The room was quiet.

Although Xiaobao is usually very quiet in the room, but now the quietness is different from the past, as if there is no one in the room.

After waiting at the door for about ten seconds without getting a response, Yu Yuanyuan stood on tiptoe again: "Xiaobao, Yuanyuan opened the door?"

Pressing down the doorknob, poking his head inside, the room was empty.

Not only was Xiaobao gone, but even the picture albums, toys and daily necessities she usually read were gone.

Oh!Where did Xiao Bao go? ?

The frightened Yu Yuanyuan ran downstairs, her first reaction was to find Aunt Chen.

"Auntie, Auntie, where did Xiaobao go?" Yu Zaizai asked anxiously.

Aunt Chen sighed, frowned slightly, and gently patted Xiao Zai Zai on the shoulder: "Xiao Bao is home."

"But...but isn't this Xiaobao's home?" Yu Yuanyuan scratched her head in confusion.

It's so strange, why is everything so strange today!

"No, Xiaobao...not Mr. Yu's daughter, she has already returned to her original home." Aunt Chen sighed long, feeling that her life during this period seemed like a long dream.

She originally thought that she had found the little lady, but she didn't expect that Xiaobao was not the little lady at all, and she didn't even dare to think about the situation.


Isn't Xiaobao a Baba cub? ?

Yu Yuanyuan's little head could no longer function, and she stood there blankly.

Aunt Chen didn't know how to explain it, so she could only coax Xiao Zai Zai back to her room and made her a cup of hot milk.

The room is very warm, and the milk smells delicious, but...Yu Yuanyuan's mood is very complicated.

She didn't even have the time to say a word to Xiaobao, and Xiaobao was sent away?
Xiaoxin was suddenly very disappointed, thinking that they were still studying counting together last night, and they suddenly separated today.

For a child, the separation comes so quickly and urgently, it is inevitable to feel uncomfortable.

I can't read the picture book, and I'm not in the mood to play with the toys.

Yu Yuanyuan sat on the carpet in a daze, holding the little lion doll in a daze.

"Chirp chirp chirp chirp..."

The phone watch suddenly beeped, and it displayed a series of unfamiliar numbers, and the caller was not the number Yu Yuanyuan had stored.

Xiao Zai Zai hesitated for two seconds, but still clicked on the connection: "Crooked?"

"Woooooh, Yuanyuan...I'm so scared..." Xiaobao's trembling cry came from the phone.

 The reason will be explained tomorrow, let me see how many people really believe that Xiaobao is his own, and fell into the trap of Tulip? (evil smirk)
(End of this chapter)

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