The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1171 Just find a place and throw it away

Chapter 1171 Just find a place and throw it away
"Xiaobao? Are you swollen? Where are you!" Yu Yuanyuan was frightened when she heard Xiaobao crying.

"I don't know... I don't know the way, I just... I only remember Yuanyuan's phone number," Xiaobao cried on the other end of the phone, "I called Dad, but no one answered at home, woo woo Ugh, Yuanyuan, I'm so scared..."

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid," Yu Yuanyuan had never seen this kind of battle before, and his eyes were so nervous that his eyes circled, "You tell Yuanyuan where you are, and Yuanyuan will come to pick you up!"

"I don't know... hiccup!" Xiao Bao, who was crying non-stop, hiccupped and continued to sob sadly, "I don't know how to read..."

Yu Yuanyuan, whose mind was in a mess, wanted to ask someone for help, but... who could she ask for help?

correct!Find Baba!

"Don't hang up the phone, wait for Yuanyuan to call!" Yu Yuanyuan ran out as soon as she said that, her little head was dripping with sweat from anxiety.

As soon as she went out, she saw Yu Jinxiao come back with a sullen face, and immediately ran forward: "Baba...Xiaobao..."

Hearing the word "Xiaobao", Yu Jinxiao's brows furrowed even deeper, and he knelt down and said solemnly: "Xiaobao is not a child of the Yu family, she is a liar, I have already sent her away, other matters you Just leave it alone."

"But... but... Xiaobao called and said that she was very scared, she didn't know the way, she might have lost her way..." Yu Yuanyuan frowned, not knowing what to do.

Yu Jinxiao suddenly understood something, his eyes were cold and gloomy, he looked down at the phone watch that was still on the call, and hung up the call from Xiaobao.

"She's a liar, don't believe anything she says, remember," Yu Jinxiao patted her head, her breath was oppressive and terrifying, "I've taken care of the other things, you should go to bed early, don't pick up some Calls from unimportant people."


Yu Yuanyuan wanted to say something, but she couldn't say anything to Baba's eyes.

The aura on Baba's body was so terrifying that she didn't dare to say any more.

There was a hostility in those eyes that had not been seen for a long time, as if the violent big black panther had flashed before his eyes again.

The little cat's vigilance was awakened, she took two weak steps back, and didn't say anything about Xiaobao.

The phone was hung up, and Xiaobao didn't call again.

But thinking of Xiaobao's crying for help just now, Yu Yuanyuan felt a mess in her heart.

what should I do?

Could Xiaobao really be in trouble?

Or...she...was she really lying to Yuanyuan?

After hesitating on the spot for a while, Yu Yuanyuan knocked on Yu Mingxi's room.

"Yuanyuan? What's the matter?" Yu Mingxi was reading a book in the room. Before they got home, they had already received a call from Yu Jinxiao and found out about Xiaobao.

In fact, they had suspected it before. It was the first time Xiaobao came home, and what they felt was not the joy of reuniting their relatives, but a sense of alienation and discomfort.

That seems to be the lack of some kind of echo and sympathy between the flesh and blood. After getting along with each other during this period of time, they didn't feel that Xiaobao was their sister.

Yu Mingxi also didn't want to get too emotionally involved too quickly, and planned to wait for the results from his father before making a decision.

Unexpectedly, Xiaobao is not their sister.

"Brother, Yuanyuan doesn't know what to do, can... can I ask you for help?" Yu Yuanyuan asked with red eyes, moaning.

Yu Mingxi felt distressed when she saw it, and immediately hugged her to comfort her: "Of course, how can Yuanyuan need brother to help?"

"Just now, Xiaobao called Yuanyuan..." The crying Yu Yuanyuan told the story, and Yu Mingxi's face gradually darkened.

Dad also told him to send Xiaobao back to his original home.

But... this incident touched my father's back. According to my father's previous style of handling things, he might really find a place to throw Xiaobao away.

(End of this chapter)

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