The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1172 The weight in my heart is different

Chapter 1172 The weight in my heart is different

Although Xiaobao is neither father's child nor Yu Mingxi's younger sister, she is only a three-year-old child, and she hasn't done anything too extreme in Yu's house.

Even if there was a conspiracy, it was a conspiracy created by adults. It would be very dangerous to really leave a child in a strange place.

Putting all the faults of adults on children, Xiaobao is also very innocent.

"I'll call and ask, Yuanyuan let me see the number." Yu Mingxi motioned Xiao Zai Zai to show him the phone number that Xiao Bao called just now, and he called back with his mobile phone.

"Hello?" A middle-aged woman's voice rang on the other end of the phone.

"Hello, may I ask if a child called just now?" Yu Mingxi's voice was gentle and sweet, and the woman on the other end of the phone was stunned for a while before she recovered and answered.

"Oh yes, you're still sitting in my shop, but we're closing at ten o'clock, is it your child?"

"What's your address over there?"

"We are a convenience store, the address is..."

After asking for the detailed address, Yu Mingxi opened the food delivery app, randomly ordered a food delivery nearby, and entered the address of that convenience store.

He specifically emphasized in the remarks that when the delivery boy arrived nearby, he would call himself and leave his phone number, and he would reward him with a large reward.

About 10 minutes or so, a strange phone call came.

"Hello, your takeaway has arrived, may I ask..."

"Hello, can you please take a picture of the convenience store and send it to me? Is there a child in the store?"

"Yes, there is a child, is this takeaway for her?"

"Well, please give her the takeaway, and then take a few more photos for me, thank you, I will reward you later, I wasted your time."

Yu Mingxi's voice was too gentle and polite, even though the request was very strange, the delivery guy still took a photo and sent it to him.

In the photo, Xiaobao is sitting in a convenience store with a depressed and sad face, staring blankly at a place in a daze.

"It's really Little Treasure!" Yu Yuanyuan pointed to the photo excitedly to emphasize.

Yu Mingxi was silent for a while, then suddenly thought of something, pointed to Yu Yuanyuan's phone watch and emphasized: "Yuanyuan, do you want to pick up Xiaobao?"

"Yuanyuan thought about it...but... Baba will be angry, Baba said that Xiaobao is a liar."

"If we go rashly, it may indeed be dangerous, but we can find someone to go with us!" Yu Mingxi thought a lot, and decided to accompany Yu Yuanyuan to do this.

Perhaps in the eyes of adults, it doesn't matter to abandon an insignificant child who deceives him, but this matter has a different weight in the heart of a three-year-old Yu Yuanyuan.

At least before today, Xiaobao and Yuanyuan got along pretty well, maybe Yuanyuan regarded her as her good friend.

If you ignore Yu Yuanyuan's feelings at this time, if something serious happens to Xiaobao, it may become her eternal psychological shadow, like a thorn that cannot be removed, accompanying her when she grows up.

Yu Mingxi loved this little cub very much, he didn't want her to trust others rashly, and he didn't want her to be unhappy, so he chose the safest way.

"Call Uncle Gao, he should help us."

"Really?" Yu Yuanyuan was also not sure.

"Try it." Although he was not fully sure, Yu Mingxi only thought of Gao Zhou.

(End of this chapter)

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