The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1174 Little Treasure Is Not the Real Little Treasure

Chapter 1174 Little Treasure Is Not the Real Little Treasure

At this time, Gao Zhou had the illusion that he was being calculated.

Especially seeing Yu Mingxi's smiling face, he probably understands what it means to hide a knife in a smile.

Woo woo woo.

But what can be done?
Everyone else has come, leaving Yu Mingxi and Yu Yuanyuan behind at this time, the two children are more likely to go out quietly, so it's better to keep them under your nose.

"Gaosusu~" Yu Yuanyuan yelled crisply as soon as she saw him.

Gao Zhou was so frightened that he covered her mouth, and reminded him softly, "Miss Yuanyuan, keep your voice down, keep your voice down."

"Aw!" Yu Yuanyuan switched to an air voice.

After the two children got into the car and sat down, Yu Mingxi sent the address to Gao Zhou, and it took half an hour to navigate there.

Before going out just now, Yu Mingxi called the owner of the convenience store again, saying that they would come to pick up Xiaobao right away, and asked him to wait a while.

The dark road was left behind, Yu Yuanyuan looked at the dark window but was not afraid at all, shaking her feet and shaking her head happily.

Yu Mingxi deliberately sat in the front row because he wanted to ask about something.

"Uncle Gao, how did Dad find out that Xiaobao is not...Xiaobao's?" Yu Mingxi still feels a little confused now, it happened so suddenly.

Dad only told one result, and beyond that, they had no idea what happened.

Fortunately, Dad respected their right to know and did not completely conceal the matter.

"Actually, Mr. Yu deliberately set up a trick before." Gao Zhou looked up at the rearview mirror, as if he was worried that Yu Yuanyuan would hear him, "Mr. Yu has always been cautious, and he will definitely not think that Xiao Xiao is just because of the two DNA tests. Bao is my daughter."

"The person hiding behind the scenes secretly manipulated the appraisal results again and again in order to dispel Mr. Yu's doubts."

"So, Mr. Yu deliberately sent his DNA and his wife's DNA twice before, and each time the results showed that Xiaobao is the biological daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gao Zhou said with inexplicable surprise when talking about Yu Jinxiao's plan. Complacent and excited, "So, Mr. Yu took the young master's DNA for identification."

"Mine??" Yu Mingxi himself didn't know about this, and pointed at himself in surprise.

"Hahaha, of course it's not true," Gao Zhou made a smirk, "Mr. Yu just said that it's your DNA, Young Master, but it's actually not, so..."

"If the DNA test results are 'brothers and sisters', then there is something wrong?" Yu Mingxi's mind turned quickly, and he immediately understood his father's plan.

"That's right," Gao Zhou nodded, "So after getting the appraisal result, Mr. Yu is even more sure that Little Treasure is not the real Little Treasure."

"And at the same time, Mr. Yu secretly asked me to find a foreign institution for an appraisal. The result was a bit slow, but the result came out last night, showing that Xiaobao is not Mr.'s biological daughter."

"The previous appraisals in Jiangcheng were just a show, and they were done for the black hand behind the scenes."

Yu Yuanyuan, who was sitting in the back row, didn't understand a single word. For her, it's not a waste of brains if she doesn't understand something, she might as well hum a song.

Half an hour later, the car slowly stopped in front of the convenience store.

The boss was playing with his mobile phone with his chin propped up, and Xiaobao seemed to be tired from crying, sitting alone by the French window in a daze.

That little figure looked very pitiful, with his head bowed timidly, his eyes were red, and his little face was covered with tears.

"Little Treasure!" Yu Yuanyuan hastily raised her paw to say hello before entering the convenience store.

The small quail-like figure in the convenience store suddenly trembled, and the moment he looked up and saw Yu Yuanyuan, his eyes were full of hope.

(End of this chapter)

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