The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1175 Really Dad

Chapter 1175 Really Dad

Xiaobao rushed out of the convenience store trembling, hugged Yuanyuan, and cried loudly: "Yuanyuan... I'm scared, woo woo woo!"

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, Yuanyuan is here!" Xiao Zai Zai, like a little adult, patted Xiao Bao's back while comforting him.

Yu Mingxi looked at Yu Yuanyuan at this time, and felt that there was nothing wrong with this trip.

After finding Xiaobao, Yu Yuanyuan was obviously much happier than at home.

Some things, if you don't do it now, you may keep it in your heart for the rest of your life.

Yu Mingxi just doesn't want Yu Yuanyuan to be tortured by such regrets in the future, no matter what she wants to do, he will accompany Xiao Zai Zai to complete it.

"Why didn't you call your father?" Gao Zhou looked at the crying Xiaobao, and couldn't help feeling pity.

This little guy was shaking like a quail in the rain, and his thin body was trembling, making him look even more pitiful.

Moreover, her heart is not good in the first place, so it is easy to be dangerous if she is thrown in a strange place like this.

Gao Zhou originally thought that Mr. Yu was completely different from before, but today's Mr. Yu... made Gao Zhou think of him three years ago.

That ruthless and frightening Mr. Yu seems to have completely returned today.

"No one answered." Xiaobao sobbed twice, speaking with a crying tone.

However, after seeing Yu Yuanyuan, Xiao Bao was obviously not as scared as before.

The two children held hands and leaned tightly together.

Obviously, Yu Yuanyuan's height is not much higher, but Gao Zhou saw the word "reliable" in her.

The kindness of children is really invaluable.

"Wait a minute, I'll check first." Gao Zhou was about to call someone to investigate the situation when he suddenly saw a cyclist approaching by the side of the road.

At first he thought it was a social animal passing by late at night, but the cyclist was getting closer and closer, and when his eyes met the streetlight at last, Gao Zhou felt a chill all over his body, and the phone fell under the seat with a clatter.

Yu Yuanyuan, who was about to fall asleep, was taken aback: "What's the matter?"

"It's okay, Uncle Gao lost his phone," Yu Mingxi comforted Yu Yuanyuan, but found Gao Zhou staring out of the car window without moving, "Uncle Gao, what's wrong?"

Gao Zhou turned his head mechanically, raised his finger tremblingly and pointed at the car window: "Yu...Yu...Mr. Yu!"

"Ah?" Yu Yuanyuan didn't hear clearly in the back row, so she pretended to be curious.

Following the direction of Gao Zhou's finger, Yu Mingxi saw his father who parked his bicycle and walked slowly.

At that moment, Yu Mingxi felt that his asthma was about to attack, he took a few breaths suddenly, his face turned pale.

Even her elder brother stopped talking suddenly, Yu Yuanyuan could only turn her head in the direction they were looking at.

It was pitch black outside, as if standing alone...

Why does it seem a little familiar?

The drowsy little Zai Zai rubbed his eyes, and suddenly saw a magnified face appearing in front of the car window!
That—isn't that Ba Ba? ?

Yu Yuanyuan was so frightened that she trembled in the child seat, her soul almost flew away, and she desperately patted the back of Gao Zhou's chair with her claws: "Gao Susu, Yuanyuan...Yuanyuan seems to have seen Baba!!! !"

The shrill sound of small breasts resounded throughout the car.

Yu Mingxi swallowed his saliva, and said weakly: "Yuanyuan, doesn't it's really dad."

Blinking her eyes twice, Yu Yuanyuan shrank her neck: "Oh, huh."

(End of this chapter)

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