The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1182 Only This Last Chance

Chapter 1182 Only This Last Chance

The little cub who had just laid down sat up and saw that Shen Ji replied to the message in seconds.

"Brother Shen Ji! Why are you swollen and not sleepy~~" Yu Yuanyuan was holding the phone and watch, and the little milk voice was very surprised.

"As long as it is a message from Yuanyuan, we will reply as soon as possible," Shen Ji's voice came out of the cold machine, with a kind of gentle magic, "Yuanyuan handled it very well this time. It’s great to go out alone, but to have someone to discuss and help with!”

I got a compliment from brother Shen Ji!
Yu Yuanyuan held the phone watch and "hehehe" giggled happily.

I chatted with Shen Ji for a while, but why did I suddenly feel sleepy?
Xiao Zai Zai lying on the bed gradually closed her eyelids, and her previous excitement and emotions seemed to be suddenly soothed by something invisible, allowing her to calm down and fall asleep peacefully.

The morning sun was shining on that small face, Yu Yuanyuan was awakened by the sun.

My stomach was growling with hunger, and Mimi just finished washing up, and was about to open the door and go downstairs, when a terrifying look suddenly flashed in my mind.

The little feet that hadn't stepped out hurriedly retracted.

It's over, but fortunately I remembered that Baba said not to go downstairs!
Yu Yuanyuan meowed and sighed, and sat back on the carpet by the window, hugging the lion cub doll in a daze.

About 10 minutes later, there was a sound outside the door.

When Aunt Chen came to open the door with breakfast, she was caught by a pair of lovely big eyes.

"Miss Yuanyuan is up already?" Aunt Chen put breakfast on the bedside, "Mr. Yu said that Miss Yuanyuan is not allowed to go out this week!"

"Yuanyuan remembers, just now she almost took her feet back!"

Aunt Chen originally wanted to take this little cub to wash up, but when she found that she had already taken care of herself, she felt distressed.

So obedient and sensible at such a young age, hey.

After eating breakfast with Yu Zaizai, Aunt Chen was about to take away her things when her clothes were suddenly pulled.

"Auntie, will Xiaobao have breakfast?" Looking down, Aunt Chen met a pair of timid and pitiful eyes.

Thinking of Xiaobao, Aunt Chen's mood is also very complicated.

At first, she thought she was a lost little lady, but now knowing that she was just a fake little lady, Aunt Chen had a different feeling.

Xiaobao is only three years old, and since he came to the Yu family, he has been very obedient, never making trouble or being mischievous, but timid and quiet.

It seems that only Miss Yuanyuan can play together.

In the children's dictionary, this should already be regarded as a friend.

Aunt Chen was just glad that Miss Yuanyuan didn't rush out with a cub yesterday, and she knew that she had asked the most reliable Master Mingxi for help first, and Master Mingxi also adopted a method that allowed Miss Yuanyuan to help her friends, and it was relatively safe. way.

When she was delivering meals just now, Aunt Chen suddenly felt distressed when she saw Xiaobao sitting alone in the room.

Only three years old.

The other three-year-olds were innocent and trouble-free at this time, and were having fun every day, but the three-year-old in front of him turned out to be a pawn in the conspiracy.

According to Mr. Yu's temper, he might even lose his life by accident.

Aunt Chen didn't dare to ask or think about it.

Yu Group.

Inside the top floor president's office.

Yu Jinxiao is waiting for the effect of Gao Zhou's feedback plan.

A call interrupted his thoughts. After the call was connected, Gao Zhou's serious voice was on the other end.

"Wang Jin has already set off towards his destination. If that person wants to make a move, this should be his last chance."

After listening to Gao Zhou's words, Yu Jinxiao hung up the phone and signaled to set off with Shu Xuan and others.

(End of this chapter)

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