The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1183 It's a Precognitive Dream!

Chapter 1183 It's a Precognitive Dream!
Empty wilderness in the outskirts.

You only need one glance to see all around, and there is no place to hide.

Five cars were parked in an open space, surrounded by a group of men in black standing solemnly and cautiously.

In the car in the middle, Yu Jinxiao's frowning face was revealed through the rolled down window.

Will that person do it?

As soon as this vacillating thought appeared, it was erased by Yu Jinxiao.

Wang Jin was already on his way, and that person was a very careful person, even if he doubted Wang Jin's so-called "clue", he probably wouldn't be able to sit still.

In case the matter is true, Yu Jinxiao only needs a few obvious clues to figure out his identity along the way.

He spent so much time and energy arranging all this in secret, I'm afraid he couldn't resist not doing it.

Even if we know that this may be a situation, we must clean up the "existence" that may become a future problem.

The more elaborately he arranged such a large net, the less likely that person would let Wang Jin see Yu Jinxiao.

No one can take this bet calmly, and the price of losing the bet is that all his plans for so long have turned into bubbles.

Yu Jinxiao even considered that that person might not act until Wang Jin was here, so he deliberately mobilized many people to follow up with Wang Jin in stages.

But he also thought about another possibility——

The other party may take advantage of him to transfer people away, and instead attack him instead.

Yu Jinxiao knew that things would change a lot before that person made his move.

It took about 3 hours for Wang Jin to come here by car. The time was long and tormenting.

Just wait, you have to calm down and wait.

Yu Jinxiao here is in a state of desperation, while Yu Zaizai at home is lying on the carpet and sleeping soundly.

It's so boring!

Changed to eat in the room, Yu Yuanyuan can't go anywhere, played with all the toys...

She can only spend her time sleeping.

The little head was resting on the little lion doll, and the little body was tucked into a small blanket. The heating in the room was hot, which suddenly brought on a strong sense of drowsiness.

Yu Yuanyuan fell into a drowsy sleep, and had a terrible dream as soon as she closed her eyes.

She dreamed of a dark-skinned, tall and thin strange uncle. He got off a car, and after approaching Baba, he suddenly pulled out a gun and fired three shots at Baba.

At the same time, some of those men in black who protect them every day suddenly aimed their guns at Baba...

Yu Yuanyuan was terribly frightened, ran around in her dream, not afraid of guns or danger, and wanted to jump up to stop the man in black.


Her hand passed through the leg of the man in black, and the only thing she could see clearly was the face of the man in black.

This man in black looks like a bad guy, with slender eyes and eyebrows...he has no eyebrows! !
Yu Yuanyuan, who had been dreaming, suddenly woke up from the dream, her small body panted, her eyes stared at the ceiling above her head in a daze for a long time.

"Miss Yuanyuan, I baked some cookies~" Aunt Chen knocked on the door and came in with cookies and juice.

Smelling the sweet smell in the room, Yu Yuanyuan thought of the terrible dream she had just now, and smiled foolishly: "Yuanyuan is scared to death, Yuanyuan*&...@%#¥@ (I dreamed that some bad guy pulled the plug on Ba gun)."

Aunt Chen put down the biscuit and asked in confusion, "Miss Yuanyuan, what's wrong?"

Yu Yuanyuan: "!!!!" Her mouth was stuck again!
This... This means that the dream just now was not just an ordinary dream, but a prophetic dream! !Someone will really shoot at Baba! !

(End of this chapter)

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