The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1185 Please give me a chance

Chapter 1185 Please give me a chance

Wang Jin fits exactly what Xiao Zai Zai said: dark, shaky when he walks, and thin.

But Wang Jin would really attack him with a gun?

Guns are not things that can be hidden casually. If Wang Jin had brought a weapon, he might have been discovered before he got into the car.


Yu Zaizai also said a person with thin eyes, like a dog with small eyes...

Through the car window, Yu Jinxiao shifted his gaze to the group of people walking towards him.

One of the bodyguards in black caught his attention instantly!

Probably it was Yu Yuanyuan's eloquent image, and grasped the point at once. When Yu Jinxiao saw that person, he immediately matched his description with Yu Yuanyuan's.

Small eyes, no eyebrows, black clothes!

Yu Jinxiao rolled up the car window completely, took out his mobile phone and called Gaozhou who was not far away.

Just after Wang Jin was picked up, Gaozhou was full of dust and dust, and he didn't have time to drink his saliva.

"Mr. Yu?"

"Stop Wang Jin and that... small-eyed bodyguard immediately."

"Ah?" Gao Zhou was a little taken aback.

Wasn't that the original plan? !

"Do as I say!"

How could Gao Zhou dare to ask more questions? After winking at He Shuxuan and the others beside him, he was the first to rush forward to strike.

The small-eyed man in black sensed that his aura was wrong, and suddenly thrust his arm into his suit to draw his gun.

But before he could take it out, Gao Zhou had already kicked him sideways and locked his throat, making him instantly incapacitated.

There was almost no time left for him to resist, and He Shuxuan and others pinned him to the ground.

It was even easier to deal with Wang Jin. He had bad legs, and he was knocked to the ground with only one bodyguard.

After both of them were subdued, Yu Jinxiao opened the car door and walked slowly.

The small-eyed bodyguard looked surprised, as if he couldn't believe that he would be exposed, and tried to continue acting: "Mr. Yu, what's wrong? Why are you arresting me?"

Yu Jinxiao raised his chin lightly towards Gao Zhou, Gao Zhou knelt down and found two guns from him.

Moreover, both guns are in the state of opening the insurance, as if they are ready to shoot at any time.

No wonder.

It turned out that there was a traitor, and the gun wasn't on Wang Jin's body at first, so of course the others couldn't find anything.

"Stop pretending, that mysterious person behind the scenes gave you a lot of money?" Yu Jinxiao folded his arms, his eyes indifferent and contemptuous as if he was looking at the two corpses.

That bodyguard was not easy to let go, his psychological quality was extraordinary, but Wang Jin was different.

Because of Xiaobao, Yu Jinxiao had someone investigate Wang Jin before. His identity is not suspicious. He has been living in the village for these years and has left a lot of information. It is impossible to forge traces of his life that have not had any flaws for so many years.

As soon as he heard that Yu Jinxiao knew everything, Wang Jin was worried that Xiaobao would be implicated, and immediately confessed: "Mr. Yu, I... I was forced, I was forced, and I don't want to do this either!"

The bodyguard next to him wanted to keep talking: "..."

Wang Jin's words completely wiped out his last retreat.

"I will not give the person who betrayed me a second chance," Yu Jinxiao signaled Gao Zhou to drag him up, "You have no chance to see your daughter again."

"Mr. Yu..." Wang Jin's face turned pale.

The thin figure was pushed behind the car by Gao Zhou, and after a gunshot, everything fell into dead silence.

The bodyguard in black who was pushed down trembled.

He originally thought that Yu Jinxiao would save his life, so it was really easy to torture Wang Jin to find out what he knew.

Unexpectedly, Yu Jinxiao solved the problem without any hesitation, which means...he might die soon.

"Is there anything else you want to say?" Yu Jinxiao condescended, looking down on him like a god of death.

No one is not afraid of death, especially... not seeing a glimmer of hope will trigger human beings' greater fear of death.

"Mr. Yu...give me a chance, please give me a chance." The black-clothed bodyguard's already small eyes were squeezed into slits in pain and regret.

(End of this chapter)

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