The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1186 Have a good talk with that little glutinous rice ball

Chapter 1186 Have a good talk with that little glutinous rice ball
"I don't need to give the traitor a chance. Will the traitor tell the truth?" Yu Jinxiao took the gun from Gao Zhou and prepared to do it himself.

The cold muzzle of the gun approached the temple, making the man tremble with fright, and wanted to break free, but his body was held tightly by several people, and he couldn't move at all.

The god of death seemed to be waving towards him in front of him, and his breathing became tighter and tighter, almost suffocating.

"No, I'll say, I'll say everything!" The man yelled in shock, he didn't want to die like Wang Jin, "Someone gave me 500 million to do this!"

Yu Jinxiao's movements didn't stop at all, he even turned off the insurance, he only needs to lightly pull the trigger to send people to hell.

There was no hesitation or wavering on his body. The more he was oppressed by this suffocating fear, the less he dared to hide anything.

"He is very rich, and his voice is very young. Although I didn't see his face...but...his height is around 182, with black hair, big eyes and double eyelids..."

The man was put on the ground, and he still kept talking on his own, saying what he knew, as if he hoped to step on a point that would prevent Yu Jinxiao from killing him.

But the muzzle was still approaching without any hesitation.

When the cold feeling hit his temple, the man's brain entered the stage of frantic operation.

He didn't have much contact with that mysterious person, and that mysterious person was very careful, and every time he met, he put on a disguise.

But camouflage cannot erase all traces of a person, even sound and smell...

That's right, the smell!
The man suddenly turned up the volume and shouted: "I remember the smell of cologne on him!!! I also remember his voice!"

The muzzle of the gun that was pressing out the marks on the temple finally stopped, and the surroundings were suddenly quiet, giving the man's beating heart a chance to breathe.

"If you hear or smell it again, can you tell it apart?"

"Yes! I can definitely! I have received professional training, and I can't make mistakes in this area!"

Yu Jinxiao looked straight into his eyes, and put the gun away after a long time.

"Temporarily lock him up, and deal with it later if he can't provide useful information."


Gao Zhou dragged the man to another car and handed the man over to He Shuxuan to deal with.

After the car drove away, Yu Jinxiao walked around to the other hidden place, looked at Wang Jin who was lying motionless on the ground: "Okay, you can move now."

Hearing Yu Jinxiao's voice, Wang Jin pressed the wound on his shoulder painfully, and asked: "Mr. Yu, I have already done what you said, Xiaobao..."

"Don't worry, she is safer than you now, and your matter is not completely over yet." Yu Jinxiao waved his hand, and the others rushed to help Wang Jin heal the wound, and stuffed him directly into the car.

Wang Jin was blindfolded.

He didn't dare to ask more questions throughout the whole process, he only knew that Yu Jinxiao would not kill him, and as for the rest, Wang Jin would obey obediently.

For Xiaobao, as long as Xiaobao is fine, he is willing to pay any price.

The car seemed to have driven into an underground parking lot, and Wang Jin felt that he was escorted into a closed room.

"You wait here first, Mr. Yu has something to deal with, and I will ask you some questions later."

At this moment, Yu Jinxiao was on his way back to Yu's house.

He had to go back and have a good talk with that little glutinous rice ball, how could she... know in advance what almost happened just now.

(End of this chapter)

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