The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1187 Could it be that Shen Ji asked you to say it?

Chapter 1187 Could it be that Shen Ji asked you to say it?

When Yu Jinxiao walked to the door of the house, he subconsciously glanced in the direction of the window.

In the past, when the little glutinous rice ball heard the sound, she would run over, lie on the window and try to raise her head up, and called "Dad" by jumping on the window sill.

But there is no such small head in that position today.

It was only then that Yu Jinxiao remembered that he locked her up today and did not allow Xiao Tangyuan to leave the room.

For some reason, his heart suddenly felt a little empty, as if something important was missing.

All the way up the stairs, he suddenly slowed down his steps in front of Yu Yuanyuan's door, and gently opened the door that was not closed.

On the bed, no cubs.

On the carpet, no puppies.

Yu Jinxiao followed the entrance to the window until he saw a round thing stepping on the small bench and looking out.

With the help of a small bench, that little head can barely protrude half of the window sill, and can see the road outside the yard.

It's just that when Yu Jinxiao came back, he drove in from another road, and the location of Yu Yuanyuan's room was invisible.

The back of the little glutinous rice balls actually felt a little anxious, lying there motionless, like a little cat joining in the fun.

Suddenly, the little cub sniffed, as if he had discovered some special smell, and shook his head violently.

Originally, he planned to go in gently to scare her, but just halfway there, Yu Jinxiao was caught by the little glutinous rice balls.

"Pu Ba!" As soon as he saw Yu Jinxiao came back safe and sound, his cheerful little voice exploded in the room.

The little ball bounced on the bench, Yu Jinxiao was terrified watching it, afraid that she would accidentally fall down.

Just as she opened her arms to hug her, Yu Yuanyuan ran over with a grunt, and even catapulted herself into his arms.

"Has Baba been injured? Has Baba caught any bad guys?" Little Claws patted Yu Jinxiao's body to check.

The little fleshy hand didn't have much strength, and it was itchy to pat on the body, which made Yu Jinxiao's heart suddenly feel warm.

This little glutinous rice ball is really worried about him.

"Yu Yuanyuan!" Yu Jinxiao's tone suddenly became serious, "Why did you suddenly call me and say those words just now? Did someone teach you?"

In order to ask the truth, he deliberately used a serious tone that made Xiao Zai Zai dare not lie.

"Karma?" These words made Yu Yuanyuan stunned.

She scratched her head, opened and closed her small mouth, and she didn't know what she was muttering silently.

After brewing for a long time, Zai Zai suddenly sighed: "Hey, Yuanyuan can't say anything~~~~"

"Why can't you say it? Could it be that someone has muzzled your mouth?" Yu Jinxiao was puzzled, and the tone of this little glutinous rice ball was quite helpless.

As soon as she heard "paste her mouth", Yu Yuanyuan suddenly raised her head, nodded her head desperately, her eyes opened wide.

"Could it be that Shen Ji asked you to tell it? What did he investigate?" Yu Jinxiao only thought of Shen Ji, other than that, it is unlikely that anyone who has a relationship with Yu Yuanyuan knew about it.

And this little Douding really hasn't left the room all day, and she has no other way to get this news.

The dubious Yu Jinxiao narrowed his eyes, grabbed Xiao Zai Zai's phone and watch to check.

The last call log was his number, and the penultimate... seemed to be... also his number.

At that time, he used Yu Yuanyuan's phone watch on the car to discuss the plan with Wang Jin.

Yu Yuanyuan's unintelligent Yazi doesn't seem to be able to delete call records, so how did she know what Wang Jin and that traitor would do?
Especially, her description is very clear, as if she saw it with her own eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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