The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1188 A small glutinous rice ball has the ability to predict the future?

Chapter 1188 A small glutinous rice ball has the ability to predict the future?

"It's not brother Shen Ji!" Yu Yuanyuan shook her head in denial.

"Yu Yuanyuan, how on earth did you know that those people are bad people? This matter is very important, you can't lie to me." Yu Jinxiao originally wanted to be aggressive on purpose to scare her, but when he thought of her lying on the window waiting for him just now It looks like he can't be fierce.

Who can be fierce to such a cute little cub?
In particular, that little back was full of worries for him, and he didn't know how long he had been lying on his feet, which made people feel distressed.

"Yuanyuanmu is deceiving, but... there is really no way to say it, hey," Yu Yuanyuan hung on Baba's neck, and once again sighed like a kid, "Yuanyuan didn't want to lie to Baba... "

No way to say?Is it impossible to say?

Yu Jinxiao's thoughts suddenly diverged, and he suddenly thought of those weird supernatural videos that he had unconsciously seen on the Internet before.

Some children have special abilities since they were young. They can read minds and move objects... Those studies are filmed like documentaries, which seem mysterious and mysterious.

In the past, Yu Jinxiao definitely wouldn't believe it.

But what happened today, combined with things that he hadn't thought about before, suddenly felt that it was not impossible.

Is Yu Yuanyuan's terrible luck something normal people can have?

She patted someone with her hand before, and that person won the lottery...

In the show, there was never a single loss in any event that relied on luck.

And her very exaggerated sense of smell.

You can find people and things just by smelling them. How can this be the ability of ordinary people?
Could it be... this little glutinous rice ball has the ability to predict the future? ? ?

When this idea came up, Yu Jinxiao couldn't help but want to despise himself.

He actually believes in this kind of thing?
But after all the incredible things happened to this little dumpling, it was inevitable for him to have such thoughts.

Isn't there a saying about this kind of mysterious thing... the secrets of heaven must not be revealed?

Could it be because of this that Yu Yuanyuan couldn't speak?

Yu Jinxiao already wanted to find a crack in the ground to sneak in to calm himself down, but he actually had such a terrible idea, he...wasn't he really turned into a cub by Yu Yuanyuan?

"Did Baba catch the bad guy?" The small voice of milk whirring in his ears, pulled Yu Jinxiao back from his distracted thoughts.

"I caught it, it's the same as what you said." Yu Jinxiao deliberately emphasized this point, secretly observing Yu Yuanyuan's reaction.

But this little guy didn't feel guilty at all, instead he danced happily: "That's great, that's great~~~ Then Baba won't be in danger~"

Yu Jinxiao looked at Xiao Zai Zai's reaction calmly, there was no guilt in her expression, it didn't seem like she was deliberately trying to hide something from him.

Is it really not taught by others?
Yu Jinxiao took advantage of Xiao Zai Zai talking to himself, and quickly sent Gao Zhou a text message, asking him to investigate the call records of Yu Yuanyuan's phone watch for the past two days.

The call record was retrieved very quickly, and it took less than 10 minutes to send it to Yu Jinxiao's mobile phone.

There was nothing wrong with the call log, exactly as he saw it on the phone watch.

This means that this little glutinous rice ball has neither received a call nor contacted anyone else, she just suddenly "Duang" knew that he would be in danger?
Although the matter was very strange, Yu Jinxiao couldn't find any clues when he went off the field himself. He didn't believe that someone could do it without a trace under his nose.


Does this little glutinous rice ball really have superpowers? ?

(End of this chapter)

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