The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1189 Baba, you can't do bad things~~

Chapter 1189 Baba, you can't do bad things~~
The weight of this guess became a little heavier, even to the point where Yu Jinxiao could not be shaken.

He wanted to try again to see if the same situation would happen again.

"Okay, you can go out of the room today, but you can't leave the villa," Yu Jinxiao went out with Yu Yuanyuan in his arms, "The clues you provided allowed me to catch the bad guy. You have done a good job. I asked Aunt Chen to do it for you." A custard cake."

"Wow?!" Yu Yuanyuan clapped her paws excitedly, "That's great!"

"Then next time you encounter similar things, you should tell me in time, you know?"

"I know, I know~~" Yu Yuanyuan was successfully rewarded by the food.

Aunt Chen has already taken out the prepared cake and placed a cute pink fork on it.

Sitting on the chair, Xiao Zai Zai shook his head, eating so happily: "Ba Ba~ Can I let Xiao Bao eat cake together?"

Probably because Yu Jinxiao was in a good mood, Yu Yuanyuan dared to make this request.

As soon as he finished speaking, his keen little intuition seemed to sense that he had touched something unspeakable, his little head shrank quickly, and he sank down to cover his head with the cake, quietly staring at Yu Jinxiao who was opposite.

The timid and expectant little eyes all floated out through the gap between the cake and the fork.

It's just that big, how can it cover her!

Yu Jinxiao was not as angry as Yu Yuanyuan thought, and replied with a twitch of the corner of his mouth: "I have asked someone to take Xiaobao to meet her father."

The little one who was eating the cake stopped suddenly, stared at him blankly for a while, and was suddenly swept away by fear.

Those lovely pupils seemed to be occupied by the darkness little by little, and there was a little frightened expression on his little face.

"Pull you... Did you kill Xiaobao!" Yu Yuanyuan squeezed her fork, trembling all over, her little lips trembled into wavy lines.

The expressions that are not difficult to read include sadness, fear, and sadness, and the emotions are not ordinary and rich.

"I said I sent her to see her father." Yu Jinxiao folded his arms, his frowning aggravated the spread of his terrifying aura, but he himself did not realize that he was spreading fear.

Yu Yuanyuan's little Chacha timidly poked a piece of cake, and while eating, he muttered dissatisfiedly: "Baba must be the one who has killed Xiaobao's Baba. Yuan said to let Xiaobao see that he pulled it out! In fact, Xiaobao and Xiaobao's plucking were all washed off! Isn't that right!"

Hmph, although she is only three years old, she has learned a lot from TV!
That's how it's done on TV!
Words can't listen to the surface, maybe there is another more terrifying meaning.

"Yu Yuanyuan, what are you thinking about all day long? Both Xiaobao and his father are still alive!" Yu Jinxiao's tone became more severe, and his eyes became fiercer.

Yu Yuanyuan shrank her neck, half-believing and half-questioning: "Really...really?"

This little glutinous rice balls!

Now I have learned to question him!

Feelings are in her heart, is her father a heinous villain?
In fact, it's not that he never thought about killing Wang Jin and Xiaobao, Yu Jinxiao admitted that the moment he learned the truth, the fury in his heart gave him such a thought.

But every time he is dominated by evil thoughts, a cute little milk voice will pop up in his head: "Baba, you can't do bad things~~"

It was this little milk voice that instantly calmed Yu Jinxiao's anger that was about to get out of control.

(End of this chapter)

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