The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1190 Mysterious Man

Chapter 1190 Mysterious Man

The little milk voice that rang in his mind from time to time seemed to be a boundary, always holding back his cruel thoughts at the most critical moment.

Yu Jinxiao knew exactly who that little milk voice came from.

The little glutinous rice ball sitting opposite got a little bit of comfort, and continued to eat the cake with a little peace of mind.

Obviously such a big piece of cake, when it reaches Yu Yuanyuan's mouth, it is like a vacuum cleaner, and it is eaten clean.

Eat well and feel good.

The little guy rubbed his stomach, and looked out of the window not far away: "Will Yuanyuan never see Xiaobao again?"

Yu Jinxiao couldn't answer this question.

The fate between people is a very mysterious thing, and no one can give a definite answer.

"But it doesn't matter, as long as Xiaobao is still alive~~" Xiao Zaizai finished speaking alone, then suddenly shook his head and looked at Baba, "If Baba didn't lie to Yin~~~"

"Of course I didn't lie!" Yu Jinxiao didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "Why should I lie to you, little Douding?"

"Adults always lie to children." Yu Yuanyuan, who was holding a fork, groaned, and gently poked the small cake crumbs falling on the dinner plate with the tip.

Yu Jinxiao suddenly understood why Yu Mingxi went crazy with Yu Yuanyuan last night.

If he doesn't help, Yu Yuanyuan may do something unreliable on impulse, or she may leave a permanent regret in her heart because she didn't do anything.

The little glutinous rice balls are still too young, it is very cruel for Yu Jinxiao to let her come into contact with "regret" so early.

"Regret", no matter what a person's status is, no one can escape it.

It can torture people regardless of time and place, just like the days he lived before meeting Xiao Tangyuan.

If possible, Yu Jinxiao wanted to protect this little glutinous rice ball and never be tortured by "regret".

I believe that Yu Mingxi was also in the same mood last night.

"You don't believe what I said, do you?" Yu Jinxiao chuckled, then immediately restrained his smile and asked deliberately.

Yu Yuanyuan buried her head and shook her feet, her tone obviously did not mean "believe".

Could he not know what this little glutinous rice ball was thinking?

But Yu Jinxiao didn't say anything, he didn't leave until she finished eating the cake and played with her for a while.

Gao Zhou drove Yu Jinxiao into an underground parking lot. After entering the elevator, they made a detour and passed through many secret doors to an extremely hidden place.

After knocking on the door, Gao Zhou needed to make the specified actions and signals towards the high-level monitor before the door was opened.

Yu Jinxiao and Gao Zhou entered the room one after the other, and there were five or six bodyguards in black guarding the room. In the open room not far away, Xiao Bao was leaning on Wang Jin's arms, drowsy.

Wang Jin's injured shoulder had already been bandaged, but a wound that didn't hurt the bone was torn.

Seeing Yu Jinxiao appear, Wang Jin gently placed Xiaobao on the bed behind him, closed the door and walked out.

"Mr. Yu."

"Tell me everything you know."

"I will, and there will be no concealment."

Wang Jin recounted everything that happened before this mysterious person contacted him.

Before the mysterious man appeared, some unusual things happened in the village—for example, there were outsiders, or some things that hadn’t been seen for many years happened.

Yu Jinxiao believes that this mysterious man is very patient and has a very calm outlook on the overall situation.

Before approaching Wang Jin, it is not impossible to use other identities to enter the village to investigate.

"Yes, there is He comes to the village to teach the children from time to time. We don't know him, but he is very nice. From time to time, he will bring books and gifts to the children in the village and teach them lessons. In our village There is no teacher, even Xiaobao is taught by him to know numbers."

(End of this chapter)

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