Chapter 1191
This seemingly ordinary thing, if it were someone else, I'm afraid it would not be connected with that mysterious person.

But Yu Jinxiao will not let go of any details. This mysterious person is very cunning and very patient. He can spend a lot of time paving the way for one thing. If he is not careful, he may miss key clues.

"Do you remember this man's face?"

Wang Jin thought for a while and replied: "This man wears a mask every time he enters the village. He said he is not in good health and is allergic to many things."

I'm afraid that allergies are false, and concealing identities is true.

"However, I remember this man's voice!"

"What about other than that?"

"Others seem to be... I have less contact with him, but Xiaobao has more contact with him." Wang Jin's tone seemed a little helpless.


The door was opened, and the man in black guarding the door instantly focused his gaze on Xiaobao who was standing at the door.

Being stared at by so many people, Xiaobao was very frightened, and looked around in horror.

The moment he saw Wang Jin, the little guy hurried forward excitedly and plunged into Wang Jin's arms.

She still looks timidly at Yu Jinxiao, even though Yu Jinxiao has been her "father" for a few days.

But she never got much tenderness and care from this father.

In contrast, the only thing she misses about the entire Yu family is... Yuanyuan!
"Xiaobao, do you still remember that uncle who came to the village from time to time to teach you how to count?" Wang Jin touched her head, intending to ask Xiaobao to help recall the memory.

If you can do meritorious service, you can offset more mistakes.

Wang Jin doesn't dare to ask for anything extravagantly now, he only hopes that Xiaobao can be safe.

"Remember..." Xiaobao replied sullenly, without saying a single extra word.

"Do you remember anything special about him? Smell? Moles? Birthmarks? Symbols? Wounds?" Yu Jinxiao's words spread densely, making Xiaobao's head dizzy, "Anything you can think of, you can say .”

Probably because Yu Jinxiao's tone was too cold, Xiaobao subconsciously felt that the person in front of him was a big villain.

In particular, this big villain also imprisoned her and her father.

Could it be that this big villain wants to harm others?

Xiao Bao suddenly refused to speak, and buried his head in Wang Jin's heart, too scared to speak out.

"Little devil, Mr. Yu is asking you something, tell me quickly!" The bodyguard at the side was anxious, and used to scare her with a threatening tone.

But Xiaobao is not an adult, so frightened by this, she burst into tears with a "owoo".

In addition to crying or crying, even Wang Jin couldn't coax him, let alone answer questions.

Xiaobao is a key point. If she refuses to say it, she may really miss a lot of information.

Yu Jinxiao hugged his arms, watched Xiaobao cry calmly, and suddenly called He Shuxuan over.

After whispering some advice, He Shuxuan nodded and went out.

Yu family.

Yu Yuanyuan, who was playing with Dahua in the yard, was laughing happily.

The weather has warmed up recently, and finally saw a little shadow of spring.

Yu Yuanyuan hugged the big flower and chatted in the cat room, suddenly a pair of black feet stepped into her sight.

He Shuxuan bent down and reached out to her: "Miss Yuanyuan, Mr. Yu asked me to pick you up somewhere."

The not-so-smart Yazi froze for two seconds, then suddenly frowned his cute little brows: "Where are you going?"

There was actually some milky vigilance in that little tone.

Also... so cute!

(End of this chapter)

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