The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1194 Is He Alien Silver!

Chapter 1194 Is He Alien Silver!
Little Treasure could barely understand what he heard, but he couldn't find the slightest light of wisdom in his wide-open eyes.

In a trance, her eyes were almost the same as Yu Yuanyuan's.

"Little Treasure, you carefully recall what a spicy person is like!" When Yu Yuanyuan heard that he was going to catch the bad guy, the milky sense of justice in his bones began to amplify.

She pulled Xiaobao to sit on the small bench together, and started a formal dialogue between children.

"That uncle seems very thin, and his fingers are very thin," Xiaobao began to try to remember in order to help Yu Yuanyuan, "When he laughed, there were a little wrinkles at the corners of his eyes, and he... oh yes! On the side of the hair on the right There's a small black dot in this spot."

Small black dots, could they be moles?

Yu Jinxiao signaled him and Shuxuan to write down all the news, and then hand it over to Gao Zhou for investigation.

"What are black dots? Is it similar?" Yu Yuanyuan also guessed that it was a mole, but she didn't know what it was called, and pointed to a small mole on her middle finger, "Is it a dark purple dot?"

"It's about the same," Xiaobao nodded, "This uncle has a very good smell, especially good... like... like the smell in the air after taking a bath."

"Take a shower..."

When talking about smell, Yu Jinxiao thought of the traitor who was caught that day.

He also insisted that he remembered how the man smelled.

If it's just ordinary shower gel and soap, wouldn't it be a needle in a haystack?

Yu Jinxiao even suspected that it was not an ordinary smell, it was most likely the smell of men's perfume.

This mysterious person is not bad in status and status in reality, and he is also very rich, so he should be a more particular person.

His selection of men's fragrances is certainly not cheap.

Yu Jinxiao has asked Gao Zhou to quietly collect all kinds of expensive men's perfumes on the market, so he must not startle the snake, and try to ask the traitor bodyguard to determine which one is the scent of a man.

At that time, you can also let Xiaobao identify them together.

"Then can Xiaobao think of anything else?" Yu Yuanyuan was called to help by her father for the first time, and she really wanted to do her best, "For example, that uncle looks different from others!"

Xiaobao was dumbfounded: "Two eyes, one nose, and one mouth, it should be."

After all, the man never took off his mask.

"By the way, that uncle's eyes... have a bit of blue light! Very light, very light blue light!" Xiao Bao clapped his small fist and suddenly remembered something.

Upon hearing this, Yu Yuanyuan's expression gradually changed from sluggish to excited: "Wonder horse!! Is he an alien silver!!!"

Yu Jinxiao ignored Yu Yuanyuan's exaggerated exclamation, and found a picture on his phone to show Xiaobao: "Is this the effect?"

"Ah, yes, that's right."

"Baba, all aliens are like this!" Yu Yuanyuan leaned in front of the phone and exclaimed.

Yu Jinxiao pushed aside that little furry head, and calmly emphasized: "This is not an alien, this is a contact lens."

"Contact lenses are amazing!!!" Yu Yuanyuan exclaimed again.

It seems that no matter what is said, as long as it is something she doesn't know, she can be filled with great interest.

"It is to make the glasses transparent, as thin as paper, and put them on the eyeballs."

Yu Jinxiao originally wanted to coax this little cub and let her continue to help, so he patiently explained.

Who knew that as soon as he finished speaking, Yu Yuanyuan's little head plunged into his arms: "Ah~~ So scary~~"

"And, uncle, he's very smart!" Xiaobao seemed to have thought of something again, and raised his arms excitedly, "It's the first time he came to the village, he already knew where the public hut is!"

(End of this chapter)

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