The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1195 Her Yu Zai Zai's Strengths

Chapter 1195 Her Yu Zai Zai's Strengths

Xiaobao's casual exclamation made the eye sockets of Yu Jinxiao and others enlarge at the same time.

This seemingly small detail is actually a very useful clue.

Either this mysterious person stepped on the village in advance, or...he is a person who has a relationship with this village.

Yu Jinxiao notified Gao Zhou of this guess and asked him to conduct a detailed investigation along the population of the village in recent decades.

"Mr. Yu, that traitor determined the scent of a men's perfume." Gao Zhou happened to report what he had just obtained to Yu Jinxiao.

"You bring the things here and let Xiaobao try again."


Half an hour later, Gao Zhou hurried to the safe house.

As soon as he stepped through the door, Yu Yuanyuan happily ran over to paw Gaozhou's feet: "Gaosusu~~~"

"Miss Yuanyuan!" Gao Zhou never expected that Yu Yuanyuan was here.

"Did you bring it?" Yu Jinxiao stopped the atmosphere of being distracted by Yu Yuanyuan.

Gao Zhou quickly picked up the things: "Bring it!"

Opening a few perfume bottle caps, Yu Jinxiao didn't spray the perfume into the air immediately, but deliberately released a faint scent first for Xiaobao to identify.

"It seems...not so." Xiaobao hesitated and was not sure.

This is her Yu Zai Zai's strong point!
"Yuanyuan wants to smell it, and Yuanyuan wants to smell it too!" In front of Yu Jinxiao, a small body began to jump happily.

A big hand covered that little head that was scurrying around, barely calming down Yu Yuanyuan.

Yu Jinxiao sprayed out the perfume, releasing a more obvious smell for Xiao Bao to identify.

"It seems...not so!" Xiaobao scratched his head and replied.

Both Gao Zhou and Yu Jinxiao were stunned by the result.

Could it be that the traitor bodyguard was talking nonsense on purpose to save his life? ?
This may not be impossible, if you use false clues in exchange for your own useful value, you may be able to save your life.

"Xiaobao, if you think about it carefully, can you think of anything else? Clothes, hair, shoes, etc. are fine." Gao Zhou also joined in the guiding role to help Xiaobao recall.

Xiaobao was quiet for a few seconds, then shook his head: "I really can't remember."

Yu Jinxiao exhaled secretly, and signaled the bodyguards to buy some food for the father and daughter.

Wang Jin has been holding Xiaobao quietly all the time, as if waiting for a suitable opportunity. When two bodyguards have gone out and the pressure in the room is not so great, he dares to ask himself what he has been worried about since just now. .

"Mr. Yu, you... when can you let Xiaobao and me go?"

After saying that, Xiao Bao also looked timidly, as if he couldn't wait to leave this place.

Probably because he was overly frightened, Xiao Bao's expression was not very good-looking.

Xiaobao suffered from viral myocarditis before, and his health has always been poor. For Wang Jin, when he heard that it was a "heart" problem, his sky collapsed.

Wang Jin grew up in a village with closed information since he was a child. He was illiterate, and Xiaobao had no chance to receive education.

The appearance of this mysterious man seemed to illuminate Wang Jin's fear, even if it sounded incredible and tempting, he still wanted to give it a try.

As long as Xiaobao's illness can be cured, as long as Xiaobao can live a good life in the future...

"Let's eat first." Yu Jinxiao didn't answer.

Although he has made arrangements, now is not the time to send them away.

"Huh? This smell..." Xiao Bao sniffed suddenly, "It's very similar to..."

(End of this chapter)

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