The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1199 Baba is not allowed to come in and take a peek

Chapter 1199 Baba is not allowed to come in and take a peek

Yu Yuanyuan had heard the sound of steady footsteps countless times, and she would never be mistaken.

It must be Baba!

Could it be that Ba Ba discovered something, why did he come here just at this time?
"Dong dong." There was a knock on the door, but the person outside the door did not speak.

Yu Yuanyuan was so frightened that the whole cub trembled, and He Yitong quickly hid under the bed by taking advantage of her size.

There wasn't much room under the bed, but her perfect body had no problem hiding in the cramped place.


I don't know if Yu Jinxiao will notice anything.

If this was found under the bed, nothing could be explained clearly.

"Yu Yuanyuan? Are you in the room?" Yu Jinxiao's voice sounded, and he tapped twice with his hand.

From just now, Yu Yuanyuan didn't respond. In her little mind, she thought that pretending to be nobody might work.

As long as she doesn't speak, Baba may think that there is no one in the room, and let Mama go out quickly after Baba is gone...

Hey hey hey!She is such a clever cub!

Yu Yuanyuan, who pursed her small mouth, thought she was quiet and did not make a sound, and even felt that her plan was very subtle.

But in the next second, Baba's voice sounded again at the door.

"I know you're inside, why don't you talk? If you don't talk, I'll open the door." Yu Jinxiao usually wouldn't casually enter Yu Yuanyuan's room, she was already three years old, it's time to start cultivating the cub's gender awareness.

The opposite sex cannot enter her room casually, and under normal circumstances, they will knock on the door first to get permission.


If it is an abnormal situation, it will be discussed separately.

Yu Yuanyuan in the room heard it, let go of her claws, and was about to throw herself on the doorknob.

But as soon as she stood up straight, she suddenly suspected... Baba couldn't be lying to her, right? ?
She didn't make a sound, how could Baba know that she was pinching in the room?
Is it possible to pull out and see through the eyes?

Yu Jinxiao at the door seemed to read Xiao Zai Zai's thoughts from the air, and said in a deep voice: "I have seen you walking around through the crack of the door, what are you doing? If you don't open the door, I will come in."

door gap! ! !

Yu Yuanyuan lowered her head and glanced at the thin gap, she didn't expect it to "betray" and send it away!
There is no other way, if she doesn't open the door again, Baba will open the door and come in, and it will be even more dangerous then.

Xiao Zai Zai pressed the doorknob and opened the door, but only opened a gap half the width of his face.

The little head leaned against the crack of the door, with vigilant and serious eyes: "Baba, what's the matter?"

Yu Jinxiao: "..."

what tone? ?

This is his home, why did it look like an illegal intrusion, and he was questioned by that little boy with a vigilant face.

"Mom is here, do you want to go out for supper together later?" Yu Jinxiao crossed his arms and deliberately used "eat" with a cold face to make Yu Yuanyuan realize his attitude problem.

He came to find Xiao Zai Zai to go out and have a good meal with Denny, but now she talks to him with such an attitude, look, look, it's not too much.

"Eat!!!" Yu Yuanyuan's tone flew up, she was happy for less than two seconds, and suddenly thought of Mama who was hiding under the bed and immediately regained her composure, "Then...then Yuanyuan closes the door and changes clothes first."

"What do you change into? Aren't you dressed now?"

"Yuanyuan...Yuanyuan wants to pick out more beautiful clothes!" After saying that, the door slammed shut.

There was also a muffled reminder from inside the door, "Don't come in and take a peek!"
 I wish everyone a happy New Year’s Eve~~ From the second day of junior high school to the next day, until the end of the month, please recommend a ticket~

(End of this chapter)

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