The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1200 Tune Chapter 1 He Yitong's Mood

Chapter 1200 Adjust He Yitong's Mood

It's really weird, who wants to watch her change clothes like a little douding.

Aunt Chen obviously picked out a little skirt for her that she likes very much this morning, and now she wants to make it out again.

After closing the door, Yu Yuanyuan lay on the crack of the door and inhaled the tip of her little nose.

After the smell of Baba drifted away, she crawled to the bed with a relieved grunt, and lifted the quilt: "Mama~ Baba is gone!"

He Yitong crawled out from under the bed with messy hair, like a beautiful doll just picked out from under the bed.

"Zaizai~~" He Yitong hugged Yu Yuanyuan, and kissed him a few times, "Mama misses you so much, let's go to have supper together, what do you want to eat?"

The system in my mind "cough cough" issued a reminder.

He Yitong came here today to follow the plot: thinking that he found his "daughter", but found out that "daughter" was a fake, he was devastated and the whole world turned into gray despair.

But now-

Does He Yitong have "despair" and "sadness" on his face?

not at all.

On the contrary, with a look of excitement and excitement, he hugged Yu Yuanyuan foolishly and smirked, kissing until the soft face in his arms was flushed.

Yu Yuanyuan laughed "quack", her little claws held He Yitong's face softly, and the mother and daughter competed to see who could kiss the fastest.

If it couldn't be delayed for too long, He Yitong wished he could just lie in the room with Zai Zai and not go anywhere.

But she has been out for a while, if she doesn't go back, unnecessary speculation may be caused by Yu Jinxiao.

The relationship between her and Zai Zai is not yet suitable for exposure, and there are still many tasks waiting for her to complete, until the day when it is completed...

Their family will no longer be restricted by this world and the plot, and can continue to live in this world like an ordinary family until the fairyland is completely restored.

Patting Yu Yuanyuan's head, He Yitong adjusted her appearance, and the moment she stepped out of the room, she turned back into that indifferent queen again.

Back in the study, she and Yu Jinxiao talked for about half an hour according to the plot requirements, and Yu Jinxiao proposed to go out for supper together.

Originally, I wanted to ask Yu Mingxi and Yu Yingze to go together.

But tomorrow is the final exam, Yu Mingxi and Yu Yingze are immersed in reviewing, want to go but dare not go, afraid of delaying their studies.

Although the original intention was to take the cubs along, but as a mother, of course it is... to persuade the children to focus on their studies.

In the end, only one cub, Yu Yuanyuan, followed.

Before getting into the car, Yu Jinxiao picked up the little cub, sized her up, and suddenly asked, "Didn't you say you want to change clothes? Why are you still wearing the same outfit as before?"

Yu Zaizai, who was completely immersed in the joy of going out to eat and eat, was caught off guard by being killed, and the whole cub was stunned on the spot.

She opened her eyes wide, tried her best to turn her little head, and stammered out a sentence: "Yuanyuan still... likes this one the most!"

Those wide eyes didn't blink, Yu Jinxiao knew she was talking nonsense.

But he wasn't in the mood to find fault with her on such a trivial matter, so he stuffed Xiao Zai Zai into the back seat of the car: "Okay, sit down."

The only happy thing these days is probably the two hours tonight.

When eating supper with He Yitong and Yu Yuanyuan, the time passed quickly, and the relaxed and peaceful time seemed to be accelerated.

The reason why Yu Jinxiao wanted to bring Yu Yuanyuan to have supper together was to hope that Xiao Zai Zai could adjust He Yitong's mood.

This little Douding usually seems unreliable, but he can always bring joy to others.

(End of this chapter)

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