The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1202 The Weird Public Opinion

Chapter 1202 The Weird Public Opinion

Yu Yuanyuan is just a little puppet, even if Yu Jinxiao directly ignores her words, he can end the conversation directly.

It's just that he feels that he has always used Xiao Zai Zai, and turning his face and denying him now is not conducive to his future education.

On the way home, Yu Jinxiao described the villain as terrifying as he wanted, successfully scaring Xiao Zaizai, making her no longer curious about the villain.

As soon as he arrived at the door of his house, Yu Jinxiao saw Gao Zhou's car.

After setting up the cubs first, Yu Jinxiao went to the study to talk with Gao Zhou.

The pinhole camera attached to Xiaobao before has been removed. Gao Zhou has carefully inspected the entire study to make sure that there are no other devices listening or monitoring in the study.

"Mr. Yu, it turns out that Wang Jin's village is Wang Cheng's hometown." Gao Zhou couldn't wait to tell his discovery.

Wang Cheng.

Hearing this name again, Yu Jinxiao's heart was touched lightly, and the past could not help but emerge before his eyes.

Wang Cheng is an upstart, lucky enough to become a rich man, full of ambitions to start a company and invest.

There was a project that Yu Jinxiao worked with him. At that time, Yu Jinxiao thought that this person was simple-minded and easy to be deceived, but fortunately, Yu Jinxiao only looked at the long-term benefits and was not very interested in Wang Cheng's 01:30 benefits.

But after a successful cooperation, Wang Cheng likes Yu Jinxiao's principled character very much. Whenever there is a suitable project, he will come to him for cooperation, and he will invite him to dinner every now and then.

At that time, Yu Jinxiao had just taken over the Yu Group.

There are elder brother and second elder brother in the family, but his father handed over the family business to him, and Yu Jinxiao really wanted to achieve his own achievements.

Although this Wang Cheng has no skills, he pays money neatly, does things simply, and has no evil intentions. Every project he cooperates with can be successfully completed, which can be regarded as helping Yu Jinxiao quickly complete several eye-catching projects after taking over the company.

They have always maintained a moderate friendship, but Wang Cheng seems to unilaterally regard Yu Jinxiao as a friend, and he is always the first to find good things to make money.

Wang Cheng's net worth is getting higher and higher, and more and more people come to him for money. With his simple personality, he is soon surrounded by people with ulterior motives.

Yu Jinxiao casually reminded him a few times, but Wang Cheng thought he would not be deceived, so he brushed off the topic with a smile.

But later in a cooperation, Wang Cheng was deceived by another partner he trusted very much. Not only did he lose a large amount of money, but he was also jailed.

This project... also had Yu Jinxiao's participation.

He didn't have Wang Cheng's habit of trusting people easily. After reminding Wang Cheng, Yu Jinxiao carefully avoided all clauses that might endanger him, but Wang Cheng was not so lucky.

Unbeknownst to Yu Jinxiao, Wang Cheng actually signed another contract in private, and asked a trusted friend to check it out.

But it happened that this trusted friend betrayed him, the money was gone, and he might have to spend the rest of his life in prison.

Wang Cheng, who didn't want to go to jail, couldn't think about it, so he fell from the top floor of the company one night, and the company went bankrupt. From then on, the Chengxiang Group, which was as famous as the Yu Group, gradually faded out of everyone's sight.

Yu Jinxiao did not expect that Wang Cheng's greed would push him to death. He investigated the cause of the incident afterwards, submitted the found evidence to the police, and sent the person who killed Wang Cheng to prison.

The shares and projects that originally belonged to Wangcheng Company were acquired and taken over by the Yu Group, and it has since become a part of the Yu Group.

These can be regarded as Wang Cheng's hard work to manage until today, and Yu Jinxiao regards it as a last favor for him.

Although he has never publicly admitted that Wang Cheng is his friend, to him, this person's existence is definitely not as simple as a dispensable stranger.

However, after Yu's Group took over most of Chengxiang Group's business, some strange public opinions gradually appeared on the Internet.

Some media said that the culprit of these incidents should be Yu Jinxiao, who specially arranged this series of hypocritical means in order to annex Wang Cheng's company.

(End of this chapter)

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