The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1203 What are you expecting?

Chapter 1203 What are you expecting?
In the eyes of others, Yu Jinxiao successfully merged the Chengxiang Group into his own group.

Even Yu Jinxiao's kindness to return justice for Wang Cheng and catch the person who harmed Wang Cheng became a part of his plan.

The so-called "friend" who harmed Wang Cheng was nothing but a mantis, and Yu Jinxiao was the oriole in the overall plan, taking all the benefits in one go.

There are always many unfounded voices on the Internet. These random speculations have attracted attention for a period of time, but because there is no direct evidence, everyone just discusses them as gossip, and then they are gradually forgotten.

Yu Jinxiao also knew that Wang Cheng had a son named Wang Ningqi, who was studying as a graduate student in Country K and was about to graduate, only two years younger than Yu Jinxiao.

Originally, he wanted to find Wang Ningqi, so he could try his best to help in the future.

Unexpectedly, when he sent someone to country K, he found out that Wang Ningqi had died in a car accident on the way to the airport five days ago.

Calculating the time, Wang Ningqi should have just received the news of his father Wang Cheng's accident, and was anxious to fly back to China to deal with his father's funeral. Unexpectedly, he also encountered an accident.

This memory was suddenly pulled out of the water, causing Yu Jinxiao's mood to ripple again.

But it's been many years, and he didn't expect to be remembered again in this way.

"Mr. Yu, this incident is a bit can't be such a coincidence, could it be that everything...Wang Cheng is the key?" Gao Zhou stroked his chin, and finished his investigation results by himself, "But Wang Cheng has only one son. , there are no other friends who have a better relationship, no other family members, and my wife died very early... Is it a coincidence?"

Yu Jinxiao understood what Gao Zhou was suspicious of.

When it came to Wang Cheng, many people believed that Yu Jinxiao was the biggest black hand behind the scenes and the biggest beneficiary.

If Yu Jinxiao hadn't taken the initiative to throw the person who framed Wang Cheng into prison, the company, project, and shares left by Wang Cheng would not have anything to do with Yu Jinxiao at all.

It's a pity that the investigation results have become the police's internal files. Those who don't know the truth will only think that "Yu Jinxiao is behind the scenes" is the most reasonable explanation.

Gao Zhou subconsciously suspected that someone wanted to avenge Wang Cheng.

Perhaps some people believed the false analysis spread by the media and the Internet, and really regarded Yu Jinxiao as the culprit of Wang Cheng.

It's just that Wang Cheng's son is dead, and he has neither other relatives nor close friends... It is unlikely that he is seeking revenge for him.

"Wang Ningqi, what was the result of your investigation back then?" Yu Jinxiao asked again after taking a sip of his coffee.

"I'm sure he's dead. The tombstones have been erected. It's still his good friend who handled the funeral."

"good friend?"

"Yes, a classmate named Zhang Yi."

"What is this Zhang Yi doing now?" Yu Jinxiao continued to ask abruptly.

Gao Zhou was taken aback, he didn't expect Yu Jinxiao to be curious about Zhang Yi's situation: "I need to check."

"Well, then you start with Zhang Yi." Yu Jinxiao seemed to smell something, but he couldn't tell the truth, everything came from a strong sixth sense.

"Baba~~~~" The study room was opened by someone creaking and pressing the doorknob, and a small head came in through the crack of the door, "Baba didn't catch it...he didn't finish his work?"

Even though Yu Jinxiao had just scared her, Yu Yuanyuan was still curious about the bad guys.

As soon as Gao Zhou turned his head, he saw Xiao Zai Zai's expectant eyes, although he didn't know what Miss Yuan Yuan was looking forward to.

 Happy New Year to everyone~(*^▽^*)
(End of this chapter)

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