The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1210 Agree to Yi Yuzhang's Marriage Proposal

Chapter 1210 Agree to Yi Yuzhang's Marriage Proposal
He Yitong didn't respond, so Yu Yuanyuan called Yu Jinxiao instead.

The phone rang twice before it was connected.

"Yu Yuanyuan?"

"Baba, Mama may be in danger!"

"Danger? What danger?" Yu Jinxiao subconsciously asked.

There was a moaning and chirping voice on the other end of the phone, as if Yu Yuanyuan was fighting against something, and finally she was out of breath from exhaustion.

"Yuanyuan can't say anything, but... Mama may be in danger, Baba, go and save Mama!"

Could it be that he took a nap at noon and had a nightmare?
Just as Yu Jinxiao was about to comfort this little glutinous rice ball, he suddenly thought of what happened before.

What if it's not an ordinary dream?
"Well, don't worry, I'll go and have a look." Yu Jinxiao comforted, and he was ready to set off.

Whether it's just a child's willful suggestion, or it's really possible to "predict", he has to take this trip to be at ease.

"Baba, Yuanyuan wants to go, Yuanyuan wants to go too!" Yu Yuanyuan hurriedly shouted excitedly on the phone.

There were too many details in the dream that she couldn't see clearly, and Yu Yuanyuan couldn't tell the specifics of what happened. When she thought that Ma Ma might make a move, she couldn't help but stay at home alone.

"I'll go, you're at home..."

"Yuanyuan is going, Yuanyuan is going!!!"

Xiao Douding, who is very obedient on weekdays, is very emotional today, and the poor little milk's voice is crying.

Yu Jinxiao has long been curious about what kind of strange abilities this little cub has, hesitated for a moment, and decided to go home and take her with him to the set.

Anyway, going to the direction of the crew and going home are both on the way, and there will be no delay for a few minutes.

"Then you wait at home, I will pick you up when I go home."

The little milk voice on the phone was dubious: "Really? Baba don't lie to Yuanyuan."

"I won't lie to you."

After hanging up the phone, Yu Jinxiao took his coat and left the office.

The crew lounge at this time.

He Yitong had just finished filming part of the scene and had just returned to the lounge to rest.

Pushing open the door, she took a sip of water slowly before picking up her phone to check the news.

"Huh? A message from Zai Zai?"

"Mama, you have to be careful, be careful!"

"Ma Ma, you have to be careful of bad guys!"

It's strange, why did Zai Zai suddenly send her such a voice? Could it be that he had some nightmare and was frightened?
"Yitong, what are you listening to?" Yi Yuzhang's voice came from behind so suddenly that He Yitong's cell phone almost rolled under the table in fright.

He didn't know when the door of the lounge was closed by him, and that tall figure stood upright at the only exit.

"You... why are you here?" He Yitong swallowed uneasily.

"Yitong, I'm sorry about what happened last night," Yi Yuzhang smiled, but his eyes once again showed the murderous intent she had seen last night, "Don't be angry, okay?"

"I'm not angry," He Yitong subconsciously took a step back, "I'm really not angry."

Yi Yuzhang, who was approaching slowly, suddenly took out a small box from his pocket, and when he opened it, there was a dazzling diamond ring inside.

He knelt down on one knee, with a smile on the corner of his mouth: "Yitong, shall we get married?"

[Ding dong!New task: agree to Yi Yuzhang's marriage proposal, progress point +7]

[The next task can only be started after finishing the task]

He Yitong felt like his head was going to explode.

(End of this chapter)

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