The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1211 He Will Never Forget In His Life

Chapter 1211 He Will Never Forget In His Life

He Yitong still has 9 progress points left, and this task rewards 7 progress points. As long as she agrees, she is only one step away from completing the task.

But if she agreed to his marriage proposal, her life in this world would be completely messed up, right?
Yi Yuzhang is just a tool for her strategy to increase the progress bar, it is absolutely impossible for her to marry him.

In the past, the system would jump out of tasks from time to time, even if He Yitong didn't complete them, it wouldn't have much impact on her, it was just that she couldn't get the progress points she wanted.

But today this shit task is different.

If she does not agree to the marriage proposal, this mission cannot be completed, nor can the next mission be started.

Then she will be trapped in this node forever.

But if she agreed to Yi Yuzhang's marriage proposal... that would be even more terrifying!

Especially, the current Yi Yuzhang is no longer like him before.

It seemed like a wolf pretending to be a human being could bite her neck severely at any time and drag her into his lair.


She also has a prop!

With the help of her family, Zai Zai, she also got a special prop!
【Refuse the mission】

【system:? 】

[Ren has declined]

The new mission that was hanging there just now has finally disappeared.

The corner of He Yitong's mouth twitched, she considered her words, and said in the gentlest voice she had ever used in her life: "I'm sorry, Mr. Yi, I... I'm not ready yet."

Nonsense, it doesn't even count as a relationship, and you're going to get married as soon as you come, what the hell is that!
Tucao belonged to Tucao, He Yitong only dared to complain in his heart, and didn't say it directly in front of Yi Yuzhang.

"Yitong, have you really thought it through? This is the last chance." Yi Yuzhang's voice sounded very low, and there was even a subtle regret in his tone.

The last chance?

what chance?
"Sorry, I really can't agree."

According to the original plot, He Yitong should agree to Yi Yuzhang's marriage proposal here.

But now He Yitong regards this book world as their family's last safe haven.

Wonderland has turned into chaos and is in the process of self-healing. This world is an important stronghold for their family's transition.

Agreeing to the proposal will only completely disrupt He Yitong's plan to reunite with his family.

Because it is impossible for her to really marry Yi Yuzhang, if she agrees to lie to him first, she will only irritate Yi Yuzhang even more terrible in the end.

The house was suddenly extremely quiet.

It was so quiet that it seemed that there was no one alive, Yi Yuzhang was obviously there, but the breath on his body seemed to be still for an instant, and he couldn't even hear his breathing.

Just when He Yitong thought he was sad or angry, the motionless Yi Yuzhang suddenly straightened up and walked towards her slowly.

The powerful and oppressive aura made He Yitong feel uncomfortable. She subconsciously wanted to run away, but suddenly felt a pain in her neck, her arms didn't even have time to grab something, the whole world was spinning, and her feet lost strength almost instantly.

Yi Yuzhang looked indifferent, he just stretched out his arms to catch the unconscious He Yitong.

And in his other hand, he held the needle tube that had just been pushed out.

The intense sleepiness in his body made He Yitong unable to open his eyes, so he could only be ruthlessly held in Yi Yuzhang's arms like a puppet.

Yi Yuzhang casually picked up He Yitong's cell phone, skillfully entered the password, and opened the message she checked last time.

Who is this cub?

Could it be Yu Mingxi or Yu Yingze?

Clicking on the voice message from above, Yi Yuzhang's mouth curled up into a cold smile.

It turned was Yu Yuanyuan.

He will never forget this voice that caused his back pain for several months.

(End of this chapter)

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